The program in psychology examines contemporary perspectives on principles of human behavior in areas ranging from cognition, development, and behavioral neuroscience to interpersonal relations and psychopathology. Its approach emphasizes scientific methods of inquiry and analysis.
Learning Goals
Goal 1: Demonstrate understanding of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, basic research findings, and methods in psychology.
- Breadth in the discipline is accomplished through PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology and the 2000-level topics courses. Majors are required to complete at least three topics courses; minors are required to complete at least two. Depth is achieved through 2700-level laboratory courses and the 3000-level seminar courses in which students demonstrate mastery of methodologies and literature in two or more sub-disciplines.
Goal 2: Apply principles of psychology to better understand one’s own and others’ behavior and mental processes as found in the real world.
- PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology, topics courses, and seminars emphasize the relevance of psychological principles and findings to everyday life.
Goal 3: Develop an understanding of the social and cultural context of psychology.
- Across the psychology curriculum, social and cultural differences (e.g., class, ethnicity, gender, race) are discussed and analyzed as factors that influence, and are influenced by, human behavior.
Goal 4: Rigorously evaluate the methods, findings, and conclusions in published research.
- Although courses across the psychology curriculum encourage rigorous questioning of the existing literature, this expectation is most thoroughly actualized by students in advanced seminars.
Goal 5: Acquire skills to empirically test questions and claims about behavior and mental processes.
- In PSYC 2510 Research Design in Psychology, PSYC 2520 Data Analysis, and laboratory courses, students develop the tools necessary to apply the scientific method by collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data.
Goal 6: Design and conduct original research.
- Laboratory courses, advanced seminars, and independent study and honors courses require students to move beyond evaluating previous research to formulate and test novel questions and hypotheses.
Goal 7: Communicate effectively through written, oral, and other modes (e.g., videos, images, graphs).
- Students learn to effectively convey their knowledge and critical analysis of the literature and their research findings in research design. These skills are further developed in laboratory courses and advanced seminars.
Options for Majoring or Minoring in the Department
Students may elect to major in psychology; to coordinate a major in psychology with digital and computational studies, education, or environmental studies; or to major in neuroscience, sponsored jointly by the departments of psychology and biology (see neuroscience). Students pursuing a coordinate major may not normally elect a second major. Non-majors may elect to minor in psychology.
Samuel P. Putnam, Department Chair
Donna M. Trout, Senior Department Coordinator
Professor: Samuel P. Putnam
Associate Professors: Suzanne B. Lovett**, Erika M. Nyhus (Neuroscience), Hannah E. Reese, Zachary K. Rothschild*
Assistant Professors: Jennifer Honeycutt* (Neuroscience), Abhilasha Kumar
Visiting faculty: Kacie Armstrong, Thomas W. Small (Neuroscience)
Adjunct Lecturer: Kathleen Collins (fall)
Psychology Major
The psychology major comprises ten courses; these are selected by students with their advisors and are subject to departmental review.
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
The following three core courses should be completed before the junior year when feasible: | ||
PSYC 1101 | Introduction to Psychology (which is a prerequisite to further study in psychology) | 1 |
PSYC 2510 | Research Design in Psychology | 1 |
PSYC 2520 | Data Analysis | 1 |
Select three courses chosen from topics-level courses (2000—2099). | 3 | |
Select one laboratory course from psychology 2700—2799. | 1 | |
Select two advanced seminar courses from psychology 3000—3999. a,b,c,d,e | 2 | |
Select one additional elective course including independent study | 1 |
a | Only one of PSYC 3010 Social Development or PSYC 3011 Cognitive Development may be used to fulfill the advanced seminar requirements. |
b | Only one of PSYC 3025 Psychotherapy and Behavior Change or PSYC 3027 Anxiety and Related Disorders across the Lifespan may be used to fulfill the advanced seminar requirements. |
c | Only one of PSYC 3040—3049 may be used to fulfill the advanced seminar requirements. |
d | Only one of PSYC 3050—3059 may be used to fulfill the advanced seminar requirements. |
Psychology Minor
The psychology minor comprises six courses.
Code | Title | Credits |
Required Courses | ||
PSYC 1101 | Introduction to Psychology | 1 |
PSYC 2510 | Research Design in Psychology | 1 |
PSYC 2520 | Data Analysis | 1 |
Select one course chosen from the topics-level courses (2000-2099). | 1 | |
Select one laboratory course from psychology 2700–2799. | 1 | |
Select one additional elective course including independent study. | 1 |
Additional Information and Department Policies
- Students are encouraged to consider an independent study including a directed reading, intermediate, or advanced independent study, or an intermediate or advanced collaborative study. Independent study courses do not count toward the core, laboratory, advanced course, or topics-level requirements for the major, but may count toward the ten credits required for the major and the six credits toward the minor.
- Students who wish to pursue honors in psychology should identify a potential faculty mentor in their junior year. Honors is a two semester sequence in the senior year. Honors projects courses do not count toward the core, laboratory, advanced course, or topics level requirements for the major. Guidelines for the honors program are available on the department website.
- Students who are considering a major in psychology are encouraged to enroll in PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology during their first year at Bowdoin, and to enroll in PSYC 2510 Research Design in Psychology and PSYC 2520 Data Analysis during their second year.
- Students must take PSYC 2510 Research Design in Psychology before PSYC 2520 Data Analysis and any course numbered 2700 or higher.
- Students who declare Psychology as a major or minor prior to Fall 2024 may take PSYC 2520 Data Analysis concurrently with (or prior to) any course numbered 2700 or higher. Students who declare Psychology as a major or minor after Fall 2024 must take PSYC 2520 Data Analysis prior to any course numbered 2700 or higher.
- If possible, students should begin their laboratory work no later than the first semester of their junior year.
- Students must take their advanced seminar courses in their junior or senior years.
- Those who plan to study away from campus for one or both semesters of their junior year should complete a laboratory course or an advanced seminar course before leaving for their off-campus experience and plan their courses so that they can complete the major after returning to campus. Students should speak with the chair of the department regarding their off-campus study plans and transfer of credit toward the major. Laboratory or advanced courses taken elsewhere may be counted as electives, but are not normally counted toward the laboratory or advanced course requirement.
- Psychology does not limit the number of study away courses that can be counted toward the major or minor.
- Majors and minors may double-count certain courses with certain other departments or programs. Students who coordinate a major in psychology with digital and computational studies, education, or environmental studies may double count certain courses. Majors and minors may double count PSYC 2520 Data Analysis toward another major or minor that requires a quantitative or data analytic course. Please meet with Chair to discuss your options for double counting.
- Students who major or minor in psychology may not also major in neuroscience; students who major in neuroscience may not also major or minor in psychology.
Grade Requirements
To fulfill a major or minor requirement in psychology, a course must be taken for a standard letter grade and a grade of C- or better must be earned. There is one exception: PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology may be taken with the Credit/D/Fail grading option, and it counts toward the major or minor if a grade of CR (Credit) is earned for the course.
Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate (AP/IB)
Students who receive a minimum score of four on the Psychology AP exam or a minimum score of five on the Psychology IB exam are considered to have met the prerequisite for courses requiring PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology. In order to receive credit for Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate work, students must have their scores officially reported to the Office of the Registrar by the end of their sophomore year at Bowdoin, but students who meet the minimum score requirements to place out of PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology are strongly recommended to submit their scores to the Office of the Registrar as soon as possible as those scores will serve as the prerequisite for all other psychology courses. If students place out of PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology, ten psychology courses must still be completed for the major, and six for the minor; any psychology course including any type of independent study, collaborative study, or honors project course in psychology may count as this tenth course.
Career Paths
The psychology major can serve as preparation for many career paths, although some positions may require additional education or specialized training. Careers include the profession of psychology or counseling or social work, but they also include medicine, public health, early education, secondary school teaching, government, and many fields in the business world including advertising or market research, customer service, human resources, and data analytics. Psychology provides students with an understanding of human behavior that is applicable to most any career.
Some students will begin their careers soon after graduation, while others will continue their education or gain relevant work experience through internships, research positions, or entry-level positions that enhance their employability in specific fields. A prospective major should discuss their career goals with someone in the department as soon as possible as they may want to tailor their education and experiences accordingly. A student’s major advisor can help students reflect upon their interests and goals to allow them to tailor their own path through the major. Regardless of career goals, psychology provides students the opportunity to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, enhance their writing abilities, and learn how to conduct research in a manner that allows them to ask and answer questions about the human experience.
For examples of career paths taken by recent alumni visit Alumni and Careers page. For resources on starting careers in psychology visit Resources and Opportunities.
Information for Incoming Students
Psychology is the scientific study of the mind, brain, and behavior of individuals (particularly human individuals). The first course in the department is PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology which is a prerequisite to all other psychology courses. This course is offered every semester. It provides a broad overview of the topics covered in psychology as well as an introduction to how psychological research is conducted.
There is no placement test for PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology; we assume that most students have not had the opportunity to take a psychology course in high school. However, a student who has a score of 4 or better on the Psychology AP exam, or a score of 5 or better on the IB Higher level exam, may skip PSYC 1101 Introduction to Psychology. For these students, we recommend PSYC 2010 Infant and Child Development or PSYC 2025 Psychopathology in the fall; or PSYC 2012 Educational Psychology, PSYC 2030 Social Psychology, PSYC 2040 Cognition: The Science of How We Learn, Think, and Act, or PSYC 2050 Biological Psychology in the spring. Although these students are also eligible to take PSYC 2510 Research Design in Psychology in the fall of their first year, we advise them to wait at least one semester before doing so.
PSYC 1101 (b) Introduction to Psychology
Every Semester. Fall 2024; Spring 2025. Enrollment limit: 50.
A general introduction to the major concerns of contemporary psychology, including physiological psychology, perception, learning, cognition, language, development, personality, intelligence, and abnormal and social behavior. Recommended for first- and second-year students. Juniors and seniors should enroll in the spring semester.
Previous terms offered: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2021, Spring 2021, Fall 2020.
PSYC 2010 (b) Infant and Child Development
Every Semester. Fall 2024; Spring 2025. Enrollment limit: 35.
A survey of major changes in psychological functioning from conception through childhood. Several theoretical perspectives are used to consider how physical, personality, social, and cognitive changes jointly influence the developing child’s interactions with the environment.
Prerequisites: PSYC 1101 or Placement in above PSYC 1101.
Previous terms offered: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022, Spring 2021, Fall 2020.
PSYC 2012 (b) Educational Psychology
Non-Standard Rotation. Spring 2025. Enrollment limit: 35.
This course introduces the foundations of adolescent development and educational psychology. We examine topics such as identity development, cognitive development, social and cultural approaches to learning, risk taking, resilience, and positive youth development for young people ages 10-19. Course concepts and theories will be grounded in empirical research and will be applied to understanding contemporary opportunities and challenges faced by adolescent learning in both school and out-of-school environments. Insights for the ways in which educators can design learning experiences to better serve students’ needs from a variety of backgrounds will be cultivated through a field placement working with students. (Same as: EDUC 2222)
Prerequisites: EDUC 1101 or PSYC 1101 or Placement in above PSYC 1101.
Previous terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
PSYC 2025 (b) Psychopathology
Every Fall. Fall 2024. Enrollment limit: 35.
An introduction to the phenomenology, etiology, and treatment of mental disorders. Major topics include trauma, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, bipolar disorder, suicide, and the psychotic disorders. Current paradigms for understanding psychopathology, diagnosis and assessment, research methods specific to clinical psychology, and the legal and ethical challenges associated with mental health care are also a focus.
Prerequisites: PSYC 1101 or Placement in above PSYC 1101.
Previous terms offered: Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
PSYC 2030 (b) Social Psychology
Every Spring. Spring 2025. Enrollment limit: 35.
A survey of theory and research on individual social behavior. Topics include self-concept, social cognition, affect, attitudes, social influence, interpersonal relationships, and cultural variations in social behavior.
Prerequisites: PSYC 1101 or Placement in above PSYC 1101.
Previous terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
PSYC 2035 (b) Political Psychology
Human beings are political animals by nature; we seek to gain influence in an effort to become successful in life. The motivations behind those drives are central to the study of human behavior. The study of political psychology involves using scientific understandings of human behavior and cognition to explain and explore political phenomena. It requires us to think about the many factors that impact political behaviors, from the biological and neurological all the way up to the societal and institutional. In this course we will consider questions regarding how well-equipped humans are to engage in rational and political behaviors, why cooperation and selfishness emerge, why some people are persuaded while others dig their heels in, and how humans have learned to live with each other and negotiate differences. It is suggested that students enrolling for credit in PSYC should have successfully completed PSYC 1101 before enrolling in this course. (Same as: GOV 2065)
Previous terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023.
PSYC 2040 (b) Cognition: The Science of How We Learn, Think, and Act
Every Spring. Spring 2025. Enrollment limit: 35.
This course explores the scientific study of human cognition—how people acquire, represent, and use knowledge to guide their everyday functioning. Students learn about scientific methods of studying and understanding cognition and building real-world tools and applications, and also dive into classic and contemporary research on several aspects of the human mind, such as memory, language, and decision-making through short lectures, podcasts, active discussions, in-class activities, and projects.
Prerequisites: PSYC 1101 or Placement in above PSYC 1101.
Previous terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
PSYC 2050 (a) Biological Psychology
Every Other Year. Spring 2025. Enrollment limit: 35.
An introductory survey of biological influences on behavior. The primary emphasis is on the neurobiological regulation of behavior in humans and other vertebrate animals, focusing on genetic, developmental, hormonal, and neuronal mechanisms. Additionally, the evolution of these regulatory systems is considered. This course explores the structural and functional properties of the central nervous system to understand how behavior occurs—and how it is disrupted—at the molecular, cellular, and systems level. Topics discussed may include cellular processes/communication, sensation/perception, cognition, sleep, eating, sex, and aggression. Emphasis will be placed on how biological mechanisms contribute to psychological [dys]function. (Same as: NEUR 2050)
Prerequisites: PSYC 1101 or BIOL 1102 or BIOL 1109 or Placement in above PSYC 1101 or Placement in BIOL 2000 level.
Previous terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
PSYC 2060 (a) Cognitive Neuroscience
An introduction to the neuroscientific study of cognition. Topics surveyed in the course include the neural bases of perception, attention, memory, language, executive function, and decision making. In covering these topics, the course will draw on evidence from brain imaging (fMRI, EEG, MEG), transcranial magnetic stimulation, electrophysiology, and neuropsychology. Also considers how knowledge about the brain constrains our understanding of the mind. (Same as: NEUR 2060)
Prerequisites: PSYC 1101 or BIOL 1102 or BIOL 1109 or Placement in above PSYC 1101 or Placement in BIOL 2000 level.
Previous terms offered: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2020.
PSYC 2099 (a) Brain, Behavior, and Evolution
A comparative and evolutionary approach to animal behavioral neuroscience. The primary focus is on the evolution of the brain and behavior in vertebrate systems, including humans, but invertebrates are also discussed. Topics include the evolution and diversity of sensory systems, reproductive behaviors, parental care, learning and memory, social behaviors, intelligence, and cognition. (Same as: NEUR 2099)
Prerequisites: PSYC 1101 or BIOL 1102 or BIOL 1109 or Placement in above PSYC 1101 or Placement in BIOL 2000 level.
Previous terms offered: Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
PSYC 2510 (b) Research Design in Psychology
Every Semester. Fall 2024; Spring 2025. Enrollment limit: 35.
A systematic study of the scientific method as it underlies psychological research. Topics include prominent methods used in studying human and animal behavior, the logic of causal analysis, experimental and non-experimental designs, issues in internal and external validity, pragmatics of careful research, and technical writing of research reports.
Prerequisites: PSYC 1101 or Placement in above PSYC 1101.
Previous terms offered: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2021, Spring 2021, Fall 2020.
PSYC 2520 (a, MCSR) Data Analysis
Every Semester. Fall 2024; Spring 2025. Enrollment limit: 32.
An introduction to the use of descriptive and inferential statistics and design in behavioral research. Required of majors no later than the junior year, and preferably by the sophomore year.
Prerequisites: Two of: PSYC 1101 or Placement in above PSYC 1101 and either BIOL 1102 or BIOL 1109 or Placement in BIOL 2000 level or PSYC 2510.
Previous terms offered: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2021, Spring 2021, Fall 2020.
PSYC 2710 (b) Laboratory in Developmental Psychology
Every Spring. Spring 2025. Enrollment limit: 20.
Multiple methods used in developmental research are examined both by reading research reports and by designing and conducting original research studies. The methods include observation, interviews, questionnaires, and lab experiments, among others. Students learn to evaluate the relative strengths and weaknesses of both qualitative and quantitative approaches.
Prerequisites: Three of: PSYC 1101 and PSYC 2510 and PSYC 2520.
Previous terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
PSYC 2725 (b) Laboratory in Clinical Psychology
An overview and analysis of the diverse research methods employed by clinical psychologists. Through reading, analysis, and hands-on experience, students gain an understanding of the relative merits of various approaches to understanding the nature and treatment of mental disorders. Major topics include clinical interviewing and assessment, information-processing approaches to understanding psychopathology, and the principles of behavior change. Class participation culminates with the design and conduct of an original research project.
Prerequisites: Three of: PSYC 1101 and PSYC 2510 and PSYC 2520.
Previous terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
PSYC 2735 (b) Laboratory in Social Psychology
Every Fall. Fall 2024. Enrollment limit: 20.
An examination of different research methodologies used by social psychologists, including archival research, observation, questionnaires, lab experiments, and online data collection. Students learn about the relative strengths and weaknesses of these different methodological approaches, both by reading research reports and by designing and conducting original research.
Prerequisites: Three of: PSYC 1101 or Placement in above PSYC 1101 and PSYC 2510 and PSYC 2520.
Previous terms offered: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
PSYC 2740 (b) Laboratory in Cognitive Science
Every Fall. Fall 2024. Enrollment limit: 20.
A lab-based course on modern research methodologies and techniques used in cognitive science. Students will learn how to formulate a research question, conceptualize a research study from start to finish, program and design web-based experiments, and analyze experimental data to gain deeper insights into various aspects of cognition such as memory, language, and knowledge.
Prerequisites: Three of: PSYC 1101 or Placement in above PSYC 1101 and PSYC 2510 and PSYC 2520.
Previous terms offered: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
PSYC 2750 (a, INS) Behavioral Neuroscience Laboratory: Affective Neuroscience
Every Year. Fall 2024. Enrollment limit: 20.
A laboratory course that exposes students to modern techniques in neuroscience that can be applied to the study of affective behavior, broadly. Underlying concepts associated with various behavioral, molecular, neuroanatomical, pharmacological, and translational methods will be discussed in a lecture format. Students will apply these concepts and techniques in discussions and laboratory preparations demonstrating how affective processes are organized within the central nervous system of vertebrates. This course will explore using experimental examples how the brain influences behavior, thereby illuminating our understanding of human neuropsychological functioning. (Same as: NEUR 2750)
Prerequisites: Three of: either PSYC 2050 (same as NEUR 2050) or BIOL 2135 (same as NEUR 2135) or PSYC 2060 (same as NEUR 2060) and PSYC 2510 or either BIOL 1102 or BIOL 1109 and PSYC 2520 or either MATH 1300 or MATH 1400.
Previous terms offered: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
PSYC 2775 (a, INS, MCSR) Laboratory in Cognitive Neuroscience
Every Year. Spring 2025. Enrollment limit: 20.
A laboratory course in cognitive neuroscience that studies the timing and organization of human cognition through electroencephalography (EEG), a direct measure of brain activity from scalp electrodes with millisecond precision. Students will learn the conceptual and practical foundations of experimental design, data analysis and interpretation, and be introduced to applications of EEG in medicine and technology. (Same as: NEUR 2775)
Prerequisites: Three of: PSYC 2040 or either PSYC 2050 (same as NEUR 2050) or PSYC 2055 (same as NEUR 2055) or PSYC 2060 (same as NEUR 2060) or BIOL 2135 (same as NEUR 2135) or PSYC 2055 (same as NEUR 2055) and PSYC 2510 or either BIOL 1102 or BIOL 1109 or Placement in BIOL 2000 level and PSYC 2520 or either MATH 1300 or MATH 1400.
Previous terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
PSYC 3010 (b) Social Development
Every Other Fall. Spring 2025. Enrollment limit: 14.
Research and theory regarding the interacting influences of biology and the environment as they are related to social and emotional development during infancy, childhood, and adolescence. Normative and idiographic development in a number of domains, including morality, aggression, personality, sex roles, peer interaction, and familial relationships are considered.
Prerequisites: Three of: PSYC 2010 or EDUC 2222 (same as PSYC 2012) and PSYC 2510 and PSYC 2520.
Previous terms offered: Fall 2023.
PSYC 3011 (b) Cognitive Development
Examines the development of cognitive understanding and cognitive processes from infancy through adolescence. Emphasis on empirical research and related theories of cognitive development. Topics include infant perception and cognition, concept formation, language development, theory of mind, memory, problem solving, and scientific thinking.
Prerequisites: Three of: PSYC 2010 or EDUC 2222 (same as PSYC 2012) and PSYC 2520 and PSYC 2510.
Previous terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2021.
PSYC 3019 (b) The Psychology of Nostalgia
A seminar focusing on the emotion of nostalgia and its place in social psychology. Readings and discussions explore evolutionary, psychological, and philosophical perspectives on nostalgic reflection to enrich our understanding of its origins and purpose. Topics include the emotional content of nostalgia, its triggers, and its psychological functions (including its connections to mood, identity, belonging, empathy, prejudice, and terror management). Special consideration will be given to cross-cultural experiences of nostalgia, along with its potential therapeutic benefits.
Prerequisites: Three of: PSYC 2030 or GOV 2065 (same as PSYC 2035) and PSYC 2510 and PSYC 2520.
Previous terms offered: Spring 2024, Fall 2021.
PSYC 3025 (b) Psychotherapy and Behavior Change
Every Fall. Fall 2024; Spring 2025. Enrollment limit: 14.
An in-depth study of the theory, research, and practice of contemporary psychotherapy. Major topics may include theoretical approaches to therapy, methods for studying its efficacy, processes of change, the role of the client-therapist relationship, and challenges to disseminating effective psychological treatments to the general public. Readings and discussion supplemented with video of psychotherapy sessions.
Prerequisites: Three of: PSYC 2510 and PSYC 2520 and PSYC 2025.
Previous terms offered: Fall 2023, Fall 2021, Spring 2021, Fall 2020.
PSYC 3035 (b) Existential Social Psychology
Every Spring. Spring 2025. Enrollment limit: 14.
An examination of how human concerns about death, meaning, isolation, and freedom influence and motivate a wide array of human behavior. Readings and discussions address empirical research on different theories of human motivation (e.g., terror management, meaning maintenance, attachment, compensatory control, and self-determination) that enrich our understanding of topics such as intergroup conflict, religious belief, prosocial behavior, interpersonal relationships, and materialism.
Prerequisites: Three of: either PSYC 2030 or PSYC 2032 - 2035 and PSYC 2510 and PSYC 2520.
Previous terms offered: Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
PSYC 3043 (b) Intelligent Minds and Machines
Non-Standard Rotation. Fall 2024. Enrollment limit: 14.
Why are humans considered the most “intelligent” species on the planet? Where does artificial intelligence (AI) fall short in mimicking this intelligent behavior? This seminar course delves into several such fundamental questions about human cognition and how our species is similar to and different from other minds and machines. We will discuss classic and modern approaches to understanding the mind, critically analyze various examples of intelligent behavior (such as language, cooperation, creativity, free will, etc.), evaluate recent work in machine learning and AI, and also draw insights about intelligence from the exciting literature on comparative (animal) cognition. Students will read empirical articles, listen to podcasts, and lead discussions, and also participate through spoken presentations and short writing assignments. Computer Science or Philosophy majors/minors who are interested in this course, should email the instructor to see if they are eligible for a prerequisite override.
Prerequisites: Three of: either PSYC 2040 or PSYC 2055 (same as NEUR 2055) or PSYC 2060 (same as NEUR 2060) and PSYC 2510 and PSYC 2520.
Previous terms offered: Fall 2023, Fall 2022.
PSYC 3050 (a) Hormones and Behavior
Every Fall. Spring 2025. Enrollment limit: 16.
An advanced discussion of concepts in behavioral neuroendocrinology. Topics include descriptions of the major classes of hormones, their roles in the regulation of development and adult behavioral expression, and the cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for their behavioral effects. Hormonal influences on reproductive, aggressive, and parental behaviors, as well as on cognitive processes are considered. (Same as: NEUR 3050)
Prerequisites: Three of: either PSYC 2050 (same as NEUR 2050) or BIOL 2135 (same as NEUR 2135) or PSYC 2060 (same as NEUR 2060) and PSYC 2510 or either BIOL 1102 or BIOL 1109 or Placement in BIOL 2000 level and PSYC 2520 or either MATH 1300 or MATH 1400.
Previous terms offered: Spring 2024, Spring 2022, Fall 2020.
PSYC 3054 (a) Sex and the Brain: Translational Animal Models of Neuropsychopathology
Every Other Spring. Spring 2025. Enrollment limit: 14.
This seminar explores the role of sex as a biological variable on neural and behavioral outcomes, focusing on translational animal models of neuropsychopathology. Students engage with empirical research, historical perspectives, and debates on how sex- difference research in neuroscience is funded, conducted, and interpreted. Through analysis of primary literature, discussions, and presentations, students explore how sex differences— - or their absence— - shape our understanding and treatment of psychiatric disorders and influence research methods. The course covers several animal models, emphasizing how their neural and behavioral findings offer translational insights into human disease. By examining sex-specific neural and behavioral findings in pathological model systems, students gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between sex and typical or atypical outcomes. This course fosters critical thinking about the implications of studying sex differences in behavioral neuroscience and their impact on scientific research and public health. (Same as: NEUR 3054)
Prerequisites: Three of: either PSYC 2050 (same as NEUR 2050) or BIOL 2135 (same as NEUR 2135) or PSYC 2060 (same as NEUR 2060) and PSYC 2510 or either BIOL 1102 or BIOL 1109 or Placement in BIOL 2000 level and PSYC 2520 or either MATH 1300 or MATH 1400 or MATH 1756.
PSYC 3055 (a) Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory
An advanced discussion of recent empirical and theoretical approaches to understanding the cognitive neuroscience of memory. Readings and discussions address empirical studies using neuroimaging methods. Topics include hippocampal and cortical contributions to memory encoding and retrieval and the effect of genetic variability, drugs, emotions, and sleep on memory. (Same as: NEUR 3055)
Prerequisites: Three of: either PSYC 2040 or PSYC 2050 (same as NEUR 2050) or PSYC 2055 (same as NEUR 2055) or PSYC 2060 (same as NEUR 2060) or BIOL 2135 (same as NEUR 2135) and Placement in BIOL 2000 level or PSYC 2510 or either BIOL 1102 or BIOL 1109 and PSYC 2520 or either MATH 1300 or MATH 1400.
Previous terms offered: Fall 2023, Fall 2020.