Bowdoin College Catalogue and Academic Handbook

History (HIST)

HIST 1001  (c, FYS)   Bad Girls of the 1950s  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Explores the representation and life experiences of women who did not fit the cultural norm of suburban motherhood in 1950s America. Focuses on issues of class, race, sexuality, and gender in a decade shaped by fears about nuclear war and communism, and by social and political conformity. Topics include teenage pregnancy, women’s grassroots political leadership, single womanhood, civil rights, emergent feminism, and, finally, the enduring cultural resonance of the apron-clad 1950s mom. Engages a variety of primary and secondary sources. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States. (Same as: GSWS 1021, AFRS 1021)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2019.

HIST 1006  (c)   Monsters, Marvels, and Messiahs  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Examines how Europeans have sought to understand themselves and the world around them through travel and travel literature. Particular attention paid to the fascinating ways in which Europeans have used travel narratives to define and distinguish themselves from others. Note: This course fulfills the pre-modern requirement for history majors. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe. It also meets the pre-modern requirement.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2020.

HIST 1008  (c)   The Science of Solving Crime  

Every Other Year. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Explores the history of forensic science and medicine in western Europe from the Renaissance through the present. Begins by examining medical and scientific practices such as handwriting analysis, autopsies, poison detection, and phrenology and asks how science and medicine came to exercise a prominent role in criminal investigations. Concludes by analyzing the representation of forensic medicine in literature and popular culture through the study of detective novels and TV shows. Topics include: Can scientific methods detect lying and truth-telling? How reliable is DNA evidence? How did racism and sexism shape the theory and practice of legal medicine? And, above all, what role do scientists have in the courtroom, and what are the historical roots of their authority? Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022.

HIST 1013  (c)   The Red World: Socialism as Imagined and Lived in Russia, 1917-1932  

Page Herrlinger.
Non-Standard Rotation. Fall 2023. Enrollment limit: 16.

Just over a century ago, Russian revolutionaries promised to turn the capitalist world upside down and replace it with a modern socialist order based on the equality and dignity of all working people. Explores socialism in practice between 1917 and 1932, with an emphasis on both the utopian imagination and "lived" experience. Discussions and assignments will draw heavily on visual sources (art, posters, film, photography) to examine the radical transformation of Soviet culture and society. Topics include labor practices, education, family and gender roles, religious culture, science and technology, healthcare, housing and urban planning, and fashion and the arts. No previous knowledge of Russian history is necessary. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe. (Same as: RUS 1013)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2020.

HIST 1014  (c)   Utopia: Intentional Communities in America, 1630-1997  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

An examination of the evolution of utopian visions and communal experiments that begins in 1630 with John Winthrop’s “City upon a Hill” sermon, explores the proliferation of both religious and secular communal ventures between 1663 and 1920, and concludes by examining twentieth-century counterculture communes, intentional communities, and dystopian separatist communities. Readings include primary source accounts by leaders and members (statements of vision, letters, diaries, essays, etc.), community histories and apostate exposés, utopian fiction, and scholarly historical analyses. Discussions focus on teaching students how to subject primary and secondary source materials to critical analysis and pursue historical research, and the essays provide multiple opportunities for students to strengthen their writing skills. This course is part of the following field of study: United States.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2020.

HIST 1022  (c)   Science on Trial  

David Hecht.
Non-Standard Rotation. Fall 2023. Enrollment limit: 16.

Examines moments of scientific controversy in modern United States history. From teaching evolution to legalizing abortion to accepting climate change, science has been at the center of some of our most persistent political debates. But science is neither as objective nor as detached from society as we commonly assume; it is inextricably bound to cultural, social, and even moral norms. This course uses moments of legal and political tension to explore the complexities of how scientific knowledge is produced, disseminated, and accepted (or rejected). Case studies include the Scopes Trial, the eugenics-era decision in Buck v. Bell, lawsuits against the tobacco industry, and Roe v. Wade—as well as the making of environmental policy on questions of pesticide use and radiation exposure. Course writing gives students the opportunity to engage with a range of historical sources in science, law, policy, and media. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: US.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2021, Fall 2019.

HIST 1024  (c, FYS)   Serious Games: Critical Play for History  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Did you know that Monopoly began life a game that criticized modern capitalism? Have you ever wondered what sense it makes that in Sid Meier’s Civilization, Abraham Lincoln can found the American tribe in 4,000 BCE? This course explores how commercial video and board games can help us understand the past. In return, understanding something about how the discipline of history works will help us think about games as representations of the past. Games to be studied and played may include: Catan, Diplomacy, Monopoly, Sid Meier’s Civilization V, Spirit Island, and Twilight Struggle. Students should expect to complete four structured writing assignments and several shorter writing assignments. The course includes a weekly evening game lab. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: US. (Same as: DCS 1024)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2019.

HIST 1025  (c)   Digital Games and History  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

This first-year writing seminar explores how digital games represent the past. We begin by focusing on the emergence of digital culture in recent decades, seeking to understand the role electronic simulations play in our lives. We move on to exploring the representation of history in commercial video games, from Sid Meier’s Civilization series, to Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. Why are video games such a popular way of depicting past events? What constraints does the digital game format impose on these representations? How are these constraints conditioned by the nature of these games as commercial products sold in a global marketplace? Finally, how should we approach some games’ representation of difficult histories—those that may involve war, colonialism, and racism? Along the way, we will learn how to access campus information sources, use intellectual property responsibly, and write essays for the college level. This course includes a weekly required evening lab for dedicated gaming time and film screenings. (Same as: DCS 1025)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022.

HIST 1026  (c, FYS)   Revolutions in the Twentieth Century  

Every Other Fall. Enrollment limit: 16.  

The twentieth century was the great age of revolt. Dramatic social, political, and economic changes sparked revolutions across the globe. Examines revolution as a historical process, political event, and theoretical concept, exploring such questions as: why revolutions started; who participated; what participants wanted; and if these revolutions succeeded. To address these questions, investigates some of the major revolutions of the last century. Cases may include the Bolshevik Revolution, the Spanish Civil War, the Algerian War of Independence, the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China, and the Islamic Revolution in Iran. Concludes by reflecting on the utility of “revolution” as a category of historical analysis. Note:This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2019.

HIST 1039  (c)   Commodity Life: Objects and Histories of India  

Every Fall. Enrollment limit: 16.  

What kinds of meanings and histories are held within objects? Uses the lens of four objects in the Indian subcontinent—rice, textiles, yoga, and photography—to trace histories of knowledge and skill, of commodification and global circulation, of power relations, and of personal attachments that these objects have generated. Central is thinking through the creative but also power-laden processes of making, using, and interpreting objects. This approach to the creative potential of analysis infuses class writing, revision, and discussion. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: South Asia. It fulfills the non Euro/US requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: ASNS 1036)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2021.

HIST 1040  (c)   “Civilizations” versus “Barbarians”: Who decides?  

David Gordon.
Non-Standard Rotation. Fall 2023. Enrollment limit: 16.

This seminar explores ideas of civility and barbarity. Who decides who is civilized or barbaric? And what is at stake in identifying oneself or others as civilized or barbaric? Are these relative terms, that one person’s civilized society is another’s barbaric; or are there objective ways to think about civilizations and barbarians? How have these concepts evolved through history, from the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs in the sixteenth century to the post-9/11 age of American imperialism in the early twenty-first century? We read primary historical documents of various encounters between European, African, American, and Asian societies, as well as scholarship about them.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022, Fall 2020.

HIST 1046  (c, FYS)   'Deviant' Lives in Latin America  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Explores the lives of particular Latin American people who found themselves being "boxed in," and the ways in which they have sought to remain outside, or even in-between, categories. We will consider issues of personal identity, social belonging, and state power through the lives and stories—some well-known, and some surprisingly obscure—of Latin Americans, from the 1500s to the present. Course writing gives students the opportunity to engage with primary sources, perform independent research, and explore how personal identities have been created, maintained, and challenged over the centuries. This course aims to improve students’ skills in close reading, critical thinking, and analytical writing, while the relationships between these skills are closely considered. In addition to discussing the texts in class, students will write responses to them in a variety of forms, from close analysis, to creative projects, to a final research paper. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Latin America. It fulfills the non Euro/US requirement for History majors and minors. (Same as: LACL 1046)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2019.

HIST 1047  (c)   Radically Small: Telling History through Individual Stories  

Javier Cikota.
Every Other Year. Fall 2023. Enrollment limit: 16.

This First-Year Writing Seminar explores how personal stories of everyday people can help understand the past. These “microhistories” make a single individual the center of the story, placing them in their historical context. Microhistories are particularly well-suited to show how non-elite individuals understood their own place in society, how they contested existing power structures, and how their own identities were constructed in relation with those structures. During the semester students will read some of the classic microhistory accounts, learning how the lives of peasants, formerly enslaved women, meatpackers, peddlers, and other plebeians help reconstruct a social and cultural world that is often impossible to find in traditional histories. The course is focused on Latin America but does not require any prior knowledge of the region. Some of the works discussed in this course are: The Cheese and the Worms, Doña Maria’s Story, & assorted essays from The Human Tradition in Latin America. This course helps students to develop the skills necessary to succeed at college writing: weekly assignments will target particular skills (summarizing, analyzing, close readings, compare-contrast, etc); and—given than writing is rewriting—the papers familiarize students with the iterative process of revising and resubmitting, which is at the heart of academic writing. Students write two versions of an analytical paper and several versions of a research paper, receiving feedback from their peers as well as the instructor. Students develop a semester-long research project based on the documents left behind by a person from Latin America (plebian or elite), including journals, trail transcripts, confessions, images, and other published sources available in translation. (Same as: LACL 1047)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2021.

HIST 1111  (c, IP)   History of Ancient Greece: From Homer to Alexander the Great  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 50.  

Surveys the history of Greek-speaking peoples from the Bronze Age (ca. 3000-1100 B.C.E) to the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C.E. Traces the political, economic, social, religious, and cultural developments of the Greeks in the broader context of the Mediterranean world. Topics include the institution of the polis (city-state); hoplite warfare; Greek colonization; the origins of Greek science; philosophy and rhetoric; and fifth-century Athenian democracy and imperialism. Necessarily focuses on Athens and Sparta, but attention is also given to the variety of social and political structures found in different Greek communities. Special attention is given to examining and attempting to understand the distinctively Greek outlook in regard to gender, the relationship between human and divine, freedom, and the divisions between Greeks and barbarians (non-Greeks). A variety of sources -- literary, epigraphical, archaeological -- are presented, and students learn how to use them as historical documents. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe. It fulfills the pre-modern requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: CLAS 1111)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2019.

HIST 1112  (c, IP)   History of Ancient Rome: From Romulus to Justinian  

David Wright.
Non-Standard Rotation. Fall 2023. Enrollment limit: 50.

Surveys the history of Rome from its beginnings to the fourth century A.D. Considers the political, economic, religious, social, and cultural developments of the Romans in the context of Rome’s growth from a small settlement in central Italy to the dominant power in the Mediterranean world. Special attention is given to such topics as urbanism, imperialism, the influence of Greek culture and law, and multiculturalism. Introduces different types of sources -- literary, epigraphical, archaeological, etc. -- for use as historical documents. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe. It fulfills the pre-modern requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: CLAS 1112)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2020.

HIST 1240  (c, IP)   War and Society  

Every Other Year. Enrollment limit: 50.  

Explores the nature of warfare from the fifteenth century to the present. The central premise is that war is a reflection of the societies and cultures that wage it. This notion is tested by examining the development of war-making in Europe and the Americas from the period before the emergence of modern states, through the great period of state formation and nation building, to the present era, when the power of states to wage war in the traditional manner seems seriously undermined. Throughout, emphasis is placed on contact between European and non-European peoples. Students are required to view films every week outside of class. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe; United States.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2019.

HIST 1242  (c)   Between Revolution and Rebellion: The United States, 1783-1861  

Patrick Rael.
Every Other Spring. Fall 2023. Enrollment limit: 50.

Surveys the history of the United States from its founding in 1783 to the secession that sparked civil war in 1861. Topics covered will include the nature of the federal compact, the expansion of slavery, the divergence of South and North, the formation of the two-party political system, the reform impulse, and questions of national expansion. While we will explore a range of issues, our focus will be on understanding the origins of the Civil War. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: US.

Previous terms offered: Spring 2022, Spring 2020.

HIST 1300  (c)   From Evolution to Climate Change: A History of Modern Science  

Every Other Year. Enrollment limit: 50.  

How do we know what we know? Science and scientists have remade both our understanding of the natural world and our experience of living in it. But “science” is not one thing; it varies considerably across temporal, geographic and disciplinary contexts. This course combines an overview of major developments in scientific practice with case studies that focus intensively on the production of knowledge during selected moments in the history of science. Examples include the work of Charles Darwin on evolution, Rachel Carson on pesticides, and contemporary climate change research.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022.

HIST 1320  (c, DPI)   Racial and Ethnic Conflict in U.S. Cities  

Brian Purnell.
Every Other Year. Spring 2024. Enrollment limit: 50.

American cities have been historic cauldrons of racial and ethnic conflict. Concentrates on urban violence in American cities since 1898. Students study moments of conflict during the early republic and the nineteenth century. Topics examined include the post-Reconstruction pogroms that overturned interracial democracy; the Red Summer and its historical memory; the ways race and ethnicity shaped urban residential space; the effects of immigration on urban political economy and society, and the conflicts over space, labor, and social relations that arose; and the waves of urban violence that spread across the country in the mid-1960s. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States. (Same as: AFRS 1320, URBS 1320)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2021.

HIST 1321  (c)   Gotham: The History of a Modern City  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 50.  

Introduces students to college-level historical thinking, writing, and analysis. Covers the history of New York City from the geological formation of what became Manhattan Island through the present; however, most of the history covered spans the 1600s through the end of the twentieth century. In part, narrates a history of the United States from the colonial era to the present through the story of New Amsterdam and New York City. Another focus is the history of modern, capitalist cities and the cultures, people, economies, and governments they produce. Students work mostly with primary sources and learn how New York City became one of the preeminent modern cities in the world. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States (Same as: URBS 1321)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022, Fall 2020.

HIST 1340  (c, DPI, IP)   America and the Origins of Globalization  

Every Other Year. Enrollment limit: 50.  

From the fifteenth century through the early nineteenth, global economic forces integrated the lands, ecosystems, and communities of North America into an increasingly tightly-knit network of commerce, migration, and ideas. Topics covered while exploring these early global networks include: the spread of peoples, crops, and diseases; the role of colonial conquest in creating modern capital and commodity markets; the importance of addictive substances (like sugar and tobacco) in the development of the transatlantic slave trade; and how a drought in Bangladesh sparked the American Revolution. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States, Atlantic Worlds. It fulfills the pre-modern requirement for history majors and minors.

Previous terms offered: Spring 2023, Spring 2021.

HIST 1440  (c, IP)   Merchants, Mughals, Mendicants: India and the Early Modern World  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 50.  

Introductory exploration of the history of the Indian subcontinent and its connections to the broader world in an era shaped by the vibrant movement of people, goods, and ideas across the Indian Ocean, Europe, and Central Asia. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: South Asia. It also fulfills the non Euro/US and pre-modern requirements for history majors and minors. (Same as: ASNS 1560)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2019.

HIST 1461  (c, DPI, IP)   African Civilizations to 1850: Myth, Art, and History  

Every Other Year. Enrollment limit: 50.  

African peoples are often imagined as victims of history. This course challenges such stereotypes by introducing students to the great civilizations of medieval and early modern Africa. Includes the Nile Valley, Ethiopia, Mali, Oyo, Dahomey, Asante, Kongo, Lunda, Swahili, and Zulu. Various themes include political power and governance; culture and society; trade and economy; women and gender; and youth and generational conflict. Content is explored by reading fiction, poetry, myth, artwork (including art in the Bowdoin College Museum of Art), and historical scholarship. This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Africa. It also meets the non-Euro/US requirement and pre-modern requirements. (Same as: AFRS 1461)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022.

HIST 1512  (c, DPI, IP)   Modern Latin American History  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 50.  

Introduces students to major themes in the history of modern Latin America and the Caribbean, from the early nineteenth century to the present. Topics include the caudillo politics of the early republican era; the rise of liberalism and the formation of extractive, export-driven economies; the emergence of populism and popular revolutionary movements; the dictatorships and civil wars of Cold War era; and the “Pink Tide” of the early 2000s. Prominent themes include racialist discourses, imperialism, decolonization and neo-colonialism, class formation and struggle, and patriarchal structures and feminist movements. This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Latin America. It also meets the non-Euro/US requirement. (Same as: LACL 1200)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022.

HIST 2005  (c, IP)   City and Landscape in Modern Europe: London, Paris, Vienna, Berlin  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Examines the changing nature of the urban built environment in four major European cities from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. Course considers a wide range of factors that have contributed to shaping the cities’ spaces and forms, among them: politics, money, war, environmental degradation, spatial inequities, industrialization, immigration, public health, heritage, tourism, and gentrification. Explores the changing role these capital cities have played on the world stage while also exploring everyday life at street level, housing from slum life to mansion, urban infrastructure, and the impact of grand schemes of urban planning and design. This course satisfies the non-US requirement for the urban studies minor. (Same as: ENVS 2427, URBS 2427)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2022.

HIST 2006  (c)   City, Anti-City, and Utopia: Building Urban America  

Jill Pearlman.
Non-Standard Rotation. Fall 2023. Enrollment limit: 35.

Explores the evolution of the American city from the beginning of industrialization to the present age of mass communications. Focuses on the underlying explanations for the American city’s physical form by examining cultural values, technological advancement, aesthetic theories, and social structure. Major figures, places, and schemes in the areas of urban design and architecture, social criticism, and reform are considered. Semester-long research paper required. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States. (Same as: ENVS 2444, URBS 2444)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2021.

HIST 2008  (c, IP)   The Republic of Rome and the Evolution of Executive Power  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Examines in depth the approaches to leadership within the governmental system that enabled a small, Italian city-state to take eventual control of the Mediterranean world and how this state was affected by its unprecedented military, economic, and territorial growth. Investigates and re-imagines the political maneuverings of the most famous pre-Imperial Romans, such as Scipio Africanus, the Gracchi, and Cicero, and how political institutions such as the Roman Senate and assemblies reacted to and dealt with military, economic, and revolutionary crises. Looks at the relationship of the Roman state to class warfare, the nature of electoral politics, and the power of precedent and tradition. While examining whether the ultimate fall precipitated by Caesar's ambition and vision was inevitable, also reveals what lessons, if any, modern politicians can learn about statesmanship from the transformation of the hyper-competitive atmosphere of the Republic into the monarchical principate of Augustus. All sources, such as Livy's history of Rome, Plutarch's “Lives,” letters and speeches of Cicero, and Caesar's “Civil War,” are in English, and no prior knowledge of Roman antiquity is required. Note: This course fulfills the pre-modern requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: CLAS 2214)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2022.

HIST 2014  (c, IP)   Reframing Medieval Power: Rulers of the Mediterranean World  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 35.  

This course compares diverse models of rulership in the Middle Ages. To expand discussion beyond white male kings of Christian Europe, this course also explores often overlooked rulers and centers of power. Powerful queens, African dynasties, and Muslim rulers are some narratives included alongside those of European monarchies. Students consider original sources that reveal how rulers defined and defended their right to power, potentially including works on/by Byzantine princess Anna Komnene, Genghis Khan, the Ethiopian Solomonic Dynasty, and Charlemagne. Through this comparative approach to power, students will challenge and broaden definitions of political influence and legitimacy in the medieval world. They will also reflect on how some modern scholarship on medieval power manifests colonialism, racism, and gender discrimination, and to think critically about not just who historians believe contributed to medieval culture, but also whom they excluded from political influence. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe. It also meets the pre-modern requirement.

Previous terms offered: Spring 2023.

HIST 2018  (c, DPI, IP)   Native North American History, ca.1450—1814  

Every Other Year. Enrollment limit: 35.  

The Indigenous peoples of North America have long and diverse histories stretching back over 15,000 years. Since the uniting of the world’s two hemispheres at the turn of the sixteenth century, Native communities have faced numerous challenges and fallen victim to often unimaginable hardship. Native cultures have shown considerable adaptability in the face of these challenges. Through centuries of imperial oppression, Native Americans proved determined in fighting for their rights and insisting on their proper place in an evolving environmental, political, and social landscape. These shared struggles led to a dawning sense of a pan-Indian racial and cultural identity in the early nineteenth century. Note: This course fulfills the pre-modern requirement for history majors and minors.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2021.

HIST 2019  (c, DPI, IP)   The Transatlantic Sixties and Seventies  

Salar Mohandesi.
Every Other Spring. Fall 2023. Enrollment limit: 35.

From Berkeley to Berlin, social movements in the 1960s and 1970s pushed democracy in new directions, overturned social roles, and redefined the meaning of politics. Investigates that wave of transatlantic social, political, and cultural contestation, exploring such themes as youth protest, anti-racism, anti-imperialism, feminism, and the counterculture. Taking a transnational approach, considers not only how these decades unfolded in different countries, but also unearths the many flows¬ ¬of ideas, objects, and people that wove diverse movements together. Focuses on developments in North America and Europe and situates them in a fully global context. Note:This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe, United States, and Atlantic Worlds.

Previous terms offered: Spring 2023, Spring 2021, Spring 2020.

HIST 2020  (c, IP)   The Global Cold War  

Salar Mohandesi.
Every Other Fall. Spring 2024. Enrollment limit: 35.

The Cold War was not simply a rivalry between two superpowers, but a fully global competition between different models of social, political, and economic development. After reviewing the consolidation of fascism, welfare capitalism, and Stalinism in the 1930s, we study how the precarious alliance between American capitalism and Soviet communism devolved after WWII. Since this competition unfolded on a planetary level, with each side struggling to convince the world that its model was superior, this course takes a global approach, surveying such events as the division of Europe, decolonization in Asia and Africa, the wars in Korea and Afghanistan, the Cuban and Iranian revolutions, the civil war in Angola, the rise of Reagan and Gorbachev, and the collapse of the Soviet Bloc. In so doing, this course explores such themes as imperialism, revolution, modernization, nation-building, internationalism, non-alignment, human rights, and neoliberalism. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022, Fall 2020, Fall 2019.

HIST 2040  (c)   Science, Magic, and Religion  

Every Other Year. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Traces the origins of the scientific revolution through the interplay between late-antique and medieval religion, magic, and natural philosophy. Particular attention is paid to the conflict between paganism and Christianity, the meaning and function of religious miracles, the rise and persecution of witchcraft, and Renaissance hermeticism. Note: This course fulfills the pre-modern requirement for history majors. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe. It also meets the pre-modern requirement for history majors and minors.. (Same as: REL 2204)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2021, Fall 2019.

HIST 2042  (c)   The Good Life: From Plato to the Present  

Every Other Year. Enrollment limit: 35.  

What does it mean to lead a good life, a happy life? Examines changing responses to this question from the ancient Greeks to the twenty-first century. Primary sources include (among others) Plato, Aristotle, Christine de Pizan, Martin Luther, and Albert Camus. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe. It also meets the pre-modern requirement for history majors and minors.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2021, Spring 2020.

HIST 2048  (c, IP)   Medieval Europe: 1075 to 1415  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Examines the religious, political, economic, and cultural history of Europe from the collapse of the Western Roman Empire to Columbus’s voyages. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe. It also meets the pre-modern requirement.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022, Fall 2020.

HIST 2060  (c, IP)   The French Revolution  

Every Other Year. Enrollment limit: 35.  

In 1789, the French people shocked the world by overthrowing their absolute monarchy, launching a decade of wildly new political experiments that shaped the modern world. Why did France have a revolution? What were the global implications of events in France, especially for the enslaved populations of French colonies? Why did the French Revolution become radical and—all too often—violent? Class sessions will incorporate lecture, discussion, and role-playing. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe. It fulfills the premodern requirement.

Previous terms offered: Spring 2022.

HIST 2061  (c, DPI, IP)   Culture Wars in the Age of Enlightenment  

Every Other Spring. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Examines a series of intellectual, political, and cultural feuds in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Europe, the so-called Age of Enlightenment. Thinkers aspired to implement sweeping changes in politics and society, but disagreed fiercely over what and how to change. Students will consider the production of categories of difference (religion, sex, gender, race, and social class) but also look at how historical individuals attempted to navigate—whether to defend, to contest, or to subvert—those categories, and how their agency to do so was shaped by the larger historical context in which they lived. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe. It also fulfills the pre-modern requirement for history majors and minors.

Previous terms offered: Spring 2023, Spring 2021.

HIST 2062  (c, IP)   Europe's Age of Expansion, 1607-1789  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 35.  

The practice of European politics changed dramatically during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. National governments became more centralized and more powerful. At the same time, Europeans attempted to found empires that stretched around the globe. Focuses on Britain, France, and Spain; specific topics include cross-cultural encounters, fiscal crisis and reform, policing, commerce, war, and rebellion. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe, Atlantic Worlds, and Colonial Worlds. It also fulfills the premodern requirement for history majors.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2020.

HIST 2064  (c, IP)   History of Western Medicine, from the Black Death to Cholera  

Every Other Fall. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Examines the history of medicine in the late medieval and early modern period and uses diseases as case studies. This focus allows us to cut across regions and explore the social and cultural forces that shape health and sickness, life and death, cures and treatments. Diseases studied include plague, syphilis, smallpox, cholera, and cancer. This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe. It fulfills the premodern requirement for history majors and minors.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022, Fall 2021.

HIST 2106  (c, DPI)    “The War to End All Wars”: European Society and the First World War  

Page Herrlinger.
Every Other Year. Fall 2023. Enrollment limit: 35.

Examines European society in the era of the cataclysmic “Great War” (1914—1918) and the war’s lasting impact on the foundations of the twentieth century. Topics include: the war’s short and long term causes and the crisis of July 1914; the meaning of “total war” as experienced by continental and colonial soldiers in the trenches, and by worker, refugee, and civilian populations on the “home fronts”; varieties of pacifism and the controversial postwar peace settlements; postwar changes in culture and class, gender, and race relations; the war’s transformation of Europe’s political landscape, including the fall of empires and the rise of fascism and communism; and the war in modern memory. In addition to major historical debates, the course will introduce a diverse set of contemporary voices and perspectives on the war through memoirs, diaries, letters, novels, art, photography, and film. Open to all students. Note: This course is part of the following field of study: Europe.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2020.

HIST 2108  (c, IP)   The History of Russia, 1725-1924  

Page Herrlinger.
Every Other Fall. Spring 2024. Enrollment limit: 35.

Explores Russian identity, society, culture, and politics during three dramatically different phases of the modern period between Peter the Great and Lenin: the era of empire, autocracy, and serfdom under the tsars in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; Russia’s encounter with western ideas and forms of modernity in the late nineteenth century; and the revolutionary transformations of 1905 and 1917, ending in socialist rule under the Bolsheviks. Most readings are drawn from primary texts (novels, letters, memoirs, petitions, and ethnographic accounts); we will also regularly engage with forms of contemporary visual culture (especially painting, photography, and film) Note: This course fulfills the non-Euro requirement for history majors and minors.

Previous terms offered: Spring 2021.

HIST 2109  (c, IP)   Russia's Twentieth Century: Revolution and Beyond  

Every Other Fall. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Examines major transformations in Russian society, culture, and politics from the Revolutions of 1917 through the fall of the Soviet Empire in 1991. Topics include the building of socialist society under Lenin and Stalin, the political Terror of the 1930s and the expansion of the Gulag system, the experience of World War II, Soviet influence in Central Asia and Eastern Europe, attempts at de-Stalinization under Khrushchev, everyday life under “developed socialism,” the period of “glasnost” and “perestroika” under Gorbachev, and the problems of de-Sovietization in the early 1990s. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2021, Fall 2019.

HIST 2110  (c, DPI)   “Bad” Women Make Great History: Modern Europe as Lived and Shaped by Women, 1789–1968  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 35.  

An examination of modern European history centered on women’s voices, experiences, perspectives, subjectivity, and agency. Drawing largely on primary sources (including memoirs, letters, art, literature, photography, and film), lectures and discussions will explore how women from across Europe navigated and challenged the gendered norms of their societies to shape unique and diverse identities; examine and acknowledge women’s accomplishments in different spheres of society and culture; and consider the major debates, obstacles, and achievements related to women’s political, economic, and cultural liberation. Lectures will also emphasize ways in which a gendered lens enhances our understanding of European history, including the experience of industrialization, secularization, imperialism, socialism, fascism, and the two world wars. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe. (Same as: GSWS 2110)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2022, Spring 2020.

HIST 2121  (c)   Colonial America and the Atlantic World, 1607-1763  

Every Other Spring. Enrollment limit: 35.  

A social history of the emigration to and founding and growth of the colonies in British North America. Explores the difficulties of creating a new society, economy, polity, and culture in an unfamiliar and already inhabited environment; the effects of diverse regional and national origins, and often conflicting goals and expectations on the early settlement and development of the colonies; the gradual adaptations and changes in European, Native American, and African cultures, and their separate, combined, and often contested contributions to a new provincial, increasingly stratified (socially, economically, and politically), and regionally disparate culture; and the later problems of maturity and stability as the thirteen colonies began to outgrow the British imperial system and become a new American society. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States, Colonial Worlds. It fulfills the pre-modern requirement for history majors and minors.

Previous terms offered: Spring 2022, Spring 2020.

HIST 2126  (c)   Women in American History, 1600-1900  

Every Other Year. Enrollment limit: 35.  

A social history of American women from the colonial period through the nineteenth century. Examines women’s changing roles in both public and private spheres; the circumstances of women’s lives as these were shaped by class, ethnic, and racial differences; the recurring conflict between the ideals of womanhood and the realities of women’s experience; and focuses on family responsibilities, paid and unpaid work, religion, education, reform, women’s rights, and feminism. Note:This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States. (Same as: GSWS 2251)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2021.

HIST 2128  (c)   Family and Community in American History, 1600–1900  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Examines the social, economic, and cultural history of American families —across socio-economic classes, and among multiple racial, ethnic, and cultural groups—from 1600 to 1900, and the continuities, changes, and variations in the relationships between families and their kinship networks, communities, and the larger society. Topics include gender relationships; racial, ethnic, cultural, and class variations in family and community ideals, structures, and functions; the purpose and expectations of marriage; philosophies of child-rearing; organization of work and leisure time; and the effects of slavery and racial discrimination, industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and social and geographic mobility on patterns of family life and community organization. This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States. (Same as: GSWS 2248)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2020.

HIST 2129  (c)   History of Harpswell and the Coast of Maine  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 12.  

Examines the long history of Harpswell as part of the coast of Maine, and the research methodologies used to uncover and analyze that history from environmental, community, socioeconomic, political, racial and ethnic, and cultural perspectives. Topics include bonds and tensions in a peninsula and islands community; coastal agriculture and stone walls; inshore and deep-sea fisheries; shipbuilding and shipping; the Civil War; ethnic, religious, and cultural diversity; poverty and living on the margin; and the rise of tourism. Culminates with an individual research project prospectus for a projected essay on an aspect of that history. Taught in residence at the Schiller Coastal Studies Center. History 2129/Environmental Studies 2449 is a course-module in the Bowdoin Marine Science semester. Biology 2232 (same as Environmental Studies 2232), Biology 2503 (same as Environmental Studies 2235), and Biology 3117 (same as Environmental Studies 2217) are co-requisites of this course. Note: This course is a part of the following field(s) of study: United States. (Same as: ENVS 2449)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2021, Fall 2019.

HIST 2140  (c, DPI)   The History of African Americans, 1619-1865  

Every Other Year. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Examines the history of African Americans from the origins of slavery in America through the death of slavery during the Civil War. How could anyone (let alone the Founding Fathers) have traded human beings as chattel? How did African-descended people in America come to be both part of and yet perpetually marginalized in America? What does this say about the nature of American democracy and the mythologies of American history? How much agency did African Americans have in crafting their own experience, and what does this say about the nature of both their oppression and their resistance? In what ways have African Americans contributed to the formation of American society? We will be concerned not simply with the important task of reinserting the African American past into our national historical narrative. We will also be interested in understanding the depths to which American society has been predicated on the intersections of race, economy, and society. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States. (Same as: AFRS 2140)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2023, Spring 2021.

HIST 2141  (c)   The History of African Americans from 1865 to the Present  

Every Other Spring. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Explores the history of African Americans from the end of the Civil War to the present. Issues include the promises and failures of Reconstruction, the Jim Crow era, black leadership and protest institutions, African American cultural styles, industrialization and urbanization, the world wars, the Civil Rights Movement, and conservative retrenchment. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States. (Same as: AFRS 2141)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2021.

HIST 2145  (c, DPI)   The United States Civil War  

Every Other Fall. Enrollment limit: 35.  

This course explores the United States Civil War. Beginning with an overview of causes and ending with prospects for Reconstruction, it focuses on the key issues raised by the war: the relationship between military and political factors, the social changes wrought by war, and the crucial issues of slavery and emancipation. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States (Same as: AFRS 2145)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022, Fall 2020.

HIST 2160  (c)   History of the American West  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Survey of what came to be called the Western United States from the nineteenth century to the present. Topics include Euro-American relations with Native Americans; the expansion and growth of the federal government into the West; the exploitation of natural resources; the creation of borders and national identities; race, class, and gender relations; the influence of immigration and emigration; violence and criminality; cities and suburbs; and the enduring persistence of Western myths in American culture. Students write several papers and engage in weekly discussion based upon primary and secondary documents, art, literature, and film.This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States. (Same as: ENVS 2432)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2021.

HIST 2161  (c)   Asian American History, 1850 to the Present  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Surveys the history of Asian Americans from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. Explores the changing experiences of Asian immigrants and Asian Americans within the larger context of American history. Major topics include immigration and migration, race relations, anti-Asian movements, labor issues, gender relations, family and community formation, resistance and civil rights, and representations of Asian Americans in American popular culture. Readings and course materials include scholarly essays and books, primary documents, novels, memoirs, and films.This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States. (Same as: ASNS 2880)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2022, Spring 2020.

HIST 2163  (c, DPI)   Asian America and Empire: History, Society, Literature  

Nancy Riley; Connie Chiang; Belinda Kong.
Non-Standard Rotation. Spring 2024. Enrollment limit: 35.

Asian America encompasses a diverse and dynamic population. This interdisciplinary course explores the complexities of Asian America by focusing on key historical and contemporary issues. Recognizing that much Asian American experience comes from the processes and history of US empire building, we will examine topics such as immigration, citizenship, the politics of race and ethnicity, identity formation, literary and cultural self-representation, community building, class and generational divides, gender and sexuality, and political mobilization. We will use a variety of lenses to gain critical perspective, including history, social relations and practices, and cultural production, such as literature, film, media, and art. Beginning with the Class of 2025, this class will fulfill the African American, Asian American, Indigenous, Latinx, multiethnic American, or global literature requirement for English majors. (Same as: ASNS 2882, ENGL 2906, SOC 2264)

Prerequisites: ASNS 1000 - 2969 or ASNS 3000 or higher or ENGL 1000 - 2969 or ENGL 3000 (same as GSWS 3000) or higher or HIST 1000 - 2969 or HIST 3000 or higher or SOC 1000 - 2969 or SOC 3000 or higher.

Previous terms offered: Spring 2023.

HIST 2182  (c, DPI)   Environment and Culture in North American History  

Connie Chiang.
Every Spring. Fall 2023. Enrollment limit: 35.

Explores relationships between ideas of nature, human transformations of the environment, and the effect of the physical environment upon humans through time in North America. Topics include the “Columbian exchange” and colonialism; links between ecological change and race, class, and gender relations; the role of science and technology; literary and artistic perspectives of “nature”; agriculture, industrialization, and urbanization; and the rise of modern environmentalism. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States. (Same as: ENVS 2403)

Prerequisites: ENVS 1101.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Spring 2021, Spring 2020.

HIST 2200  (c, IP)   The Nuclear Age  

David Hecht.
Every Other Fall. Fall 2023. Enrollment limit: 35.

Explores the impact of nuclear energy on American society, politics, and culture. Few aspects of post-World War II United States history were unaffected by the atomic bomb, which decisively shaped the Cold War, helped define the military-industrial complex, and contributed to profound changes in the place of science in American life. Examines the surprisingly varied effects of the atomic bomb throughout American society: on the Cold War, consumer culture, domestic politics, education, family life, and the arts. Uses a wide range of sources—such as newspaper articles, memoirs, film, and policy debates — to examine the profound effects of nuclear energy in United States history. This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2021.

HIST 2202  (c)   Climate Change: The Making of a Global Threat  

David Hecht.
Non-Standard Rotation. Spring 2024. Enrollment limit: 35.

Examines the intertwined scientific, political, and social histories of climate change. It traces the increasing use of fossil fuels since the late 18th century, paying attention to the way that producing and consuming energy has transformed human societies and their physical environments. The course explores these changes in both their global manifestations and their local effects, centering the stories of people who lived through the energy transitions of the past two centuries – for better or worse. It also chronicles the surprisingly long history of the scientific quest to understand and document our changing climate. (Same as: ENVS 2420)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2020.

HIST 2220  (c)   Creating Change, Getting Free: The Civil Rights and Black Power Movements  

Bianca Williams.
Every Other Year. Spring 2024. Enrollment limit: 35.

Students examine the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Power Movement to understand the centrality of race, racism, and political organizing in change-making processes in the U.S. Critical perspectives offered in speeches, biographies, music, and films shed light on the connections between ever-changing notions of Blackness(es), structural and institutional forms of oppression, and the bloody, sweaty, and tearful efforts people engaged in to create change. Analyzes the political and social transformations made possible by changemakers such as Angela Davis, Malcolm X, Ella Baker, Martin Luther King, Jr., Fannie Lou Hamer, the Black Panther Party, SNCC, and the Freedom Riders, providing insight into the diversity of strategies and methods for organizing and resistance that Black peoples and allies used to get free(er). (Same as: AFRS 2240)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.

HIST 2239  (c, IP)   Religion and Science: Couples Therapy  

Every Other Year. Enrollment limit: 35.  

As modern categories, religion and science cannot exist without each other, but the boundary has shifted over time. Traces the prehistory of these categories from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment and analyzes the conversations and arguments between religion and science in modernity. Focuses on the West with frequent comparisons to the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia. Pays attention to religious discussions of astrology, alchemy, and other occult disciplines. (Same as: REL 2212)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2023.

HIST 2285  (c, IP)   China before 1000  

Guo Jue.
Non-Standard Rotation. Spring 2024. Enrollment limit: 35.

Surveys the early history of China from the rise of complex society and state-level polity in the third millennium BCE to the fall of the Tang Empire in the tenth century CE. Focuses on the relationship between state and society and delineates the historical processes of their coevolution. Examines the formative era of political experimentation and social formation, the emergence of the bureaucratic state and agrarian society, and the development of imperial rule and multiethnic cultures. Also introduces major political and social institutions, economic systems, technological innovations, law, cosmology, philosophy, and religion, as well as arts and literature that became foundational to the Chinese state and Chinese society. Students will critically engage with a variety of source materials: archaeological data, historical writing, literary works, and visual culture. Note: This course fulfills the pre-modern and non-Euro/US requirements for history majors and minors. (Same as Asian Studies 2013.) (Same as: ASNS 2013)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022, Fall 2021.

HIST 2292  (c)   Modern Middle Eastern History  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Offers a chronological and thematic overview of the modern history of the Middle East and North Africa. Covers the period from the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire after World War I to the 2011 Arab uprisings. Studies the formation of the modern state system and the historical roots and developments of long-standing conflicts including the Arab and Israeli wars, the emergence of ideological radicalism, and the political riots and revolutions that have shaken the region. Seeks to examine the region’s history beyond “War and Peace” by considering essential social and cultural transformations associated with the formation and fragmentation of nation-states in this region, including the role of colonial legacies, resources and economic distribution, social modernization, conflicting cultures, and sectarian strife, among others. Makes use of secondary literature and a variety of primary sources in English translation. Note: This course fulfills the non Euro/US requirement for History majors and minors.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2019.

HIST 2297  (c, IP)   Becoming China (1000-1911)  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Surveys the history from the Middle Period to the end of Imperial China (1000-1911). Focuses on the emergence of a distinct consciousness of Chinese-ness and its changing relations with an ever-expanding known world. Examines issues surrounding ethnicity, cultural identity, territorial borders, foreign relations, diplomacy, and war, as well as local societies, commercial revolution, and technological innovations that made China one of the earliest nations stepping into modernity. Students will critically interrogate a variety of sources: historical writing and literary works, as well as material and visual culture. Students are expected to learn to think historically and globally, analyze primary sources and critique secondary scholarship, and craft compelling historical narratives that grapple with significant historical questions. [Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: East Asia. It fulfills the pre-modern and non-Euro/US requirements for history majors and minors]. (Same as: ASNS 2030)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2023, Spring 2022.

HIST 2298  (c, DPI, IP)   Colonialism in Latin America: Societies in Latin America/Caribbean: Pre-Colombian Era - Independence  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 35.  

This course introduces students to major themes in the history of pre-Colombian and colonial Latin America and the Caribbean, from the fifteenth century to the early nineteenth century. Topics include pre-Colombian civilizations, Iberian conquest and colonization of the Americas, colonial evangelization, colonial political economy, slavery, the emergence of hybrid cultures and ethnicities, anti-colonial resistance, and processes that factored into the emergence of independence movements. Prominent themes include the construction and contestation of castes and ethnic identities discourses, slavery, cultural hegemony, land tenure patterns, and the development of colonial political economies within an emerging early modern world system. The course will also consider divergent paths among various regions in Iberian America. It fulfills the non Euro/US requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: LACL 2198)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2023.

HIST 2299  (c, IP)   Revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa  

Every Other Spring. Enrollment limit: 35.  

The concept of revolution, though a defining concept of our time, seems at once urgent and dated. The challenges of the term are blatant in the study of the Middle East and North Africa, which has been so often perceived as a passive place of inactive subjects and enduring “despotisms.” This course asks how might we open the concept of revolution onto histories it has been shielded from? Considers concept histories, and what it means to think about revolution from the colonial and postcolonial world. Works through the long history of revolution in the region, including the Egyptian Revolution of 1919, the Algerian War of Independence, the Palestinian Revolution, the Iranian Revolution, and the Arab Spring. It fulfills the non Euro/US requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: MENA 2353)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2023.

HIST 2320  (c, IP)   The Emergence of Chinese Civilization  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Introduction to ancient Chinese history (2000 B.C.E. to 800 C.E.). Explores the origins and foundations of Chinese civilization. Prominent themes include the inception of the imperial system, the intellectual fluorescence in classical China, the introduction and assimilation of Buddhism, the development of Chinese cosmology, and the interactions between early China and neighboring regions. Class discussion of historical writings complemented with literary works and selected pieces of the visual arts. Note: This course fulfills the pre-modern requirement for history majors. (Same as: ASNS 2010)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2019.

HIST 2321  (c, IP)   Late Imperial China  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Introduction to late imperial China (800 to 1800) as the historical background to the modern age. Begins with the conditions shortly before the Golden Age (Tang Dynasty) collapses, and ends with the heyday of the last imperial dynasty (Qing Dynasty). Major topics include the burgeoning of modernity in economic and political patterns, the relation between state and society, the voice and presence of new social elites, ethnic identities, and the cultural, economic, and political encounters between China and the West. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: East Asia. It fulfills the pre-modern and non Euro/US requirements for history majors and minors. (Same as: ASNS 2011)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2020.

HIST 2342  (c, IP)   The Making of Modern India and Pakistan  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Traces the history of India and Pakistan from the rise of British imperial power in the mid-eighteenth century to the present. Topics include the formation of a colonial economy and society; religious and social reform; the emergence of anti-colonial nationalism; the road to independence and partition; and issues of secularism, democracy, and inequality that have shaped post-colonial Indian and Pakistani society. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: South Asia and Colonial Worlds. It fulfills the non Euro/US requirement of history majors and minors. (Same as: ASNS 2581)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2022.

HIST 2343  (c, IP)   Media and Politics in Modern India  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Examines the new forms of politics and of popular culture that have shaped modernity in India. Topics include the emergence of mass politics, urbanization, modern visual culture, new media technologies, and contemporary media and democracy. Course includes a film component. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: South Asia and Colonial Worlds. It fulfills the non Euro/US requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: ASNS 2582)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2021.

HIST 2345  (c, IP)   The British Empire  

Every Other Spring. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Examines the history of the British Empire from its origins in the sixteenth century through its collapse in the mid-twentieth century, with a focus on the period after the American Revolutionary War. Explores the forces that drove colonial conquest, the shaping of colonial economies and societies, as well as the ideologies of race, gender, and sexuality that sustained colonial rule. Devotes considerable attention to the creative responses of colonized peoples to imperial rule, the rise of anti-colonial thought, the mobilization of popular anti-colonial movements, and histories of decolonization. Considers critical debates about the Empire's legacies, which continue to the present. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe, Colonial Worlds.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2020.

HIST 2346  (c, IP)   Cities of the Global South  

Every Other Year. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Examines the history, cultures, and politics of major cities shaped by histories of colonialism, the Cold War, and contemporary neoliberalism. We will consider the changing roles that these cities have played in colonial, national, and global economies, as well as the ideologies, aesthetic theories, and pragmatic contexts that have shaped their built environments. Key themes include: colonial and postcolonial urban planning and its limits; spatial inequalities; impacts of war and mass violence; urban economies; and the everyday sensory life of the city. Examples of possible cities include: Mumbai, New Delhi, Saigon, Manila, Cairo, Nairobi, and Lagos. This course is part of the following field(s) of study: South Asia and Colonial Worlds. It fulfills the non-Euro/US requirement for history majors and minors. This course satisfies the Introductory Survey and the non-US requirement requirement for the Urban Studies minor. (Same as: ASNS 2587, URBS 2587)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022, Fall 2021.

HIST 2364  (c, IP)   Conquest, Colonialism, and Independence: African History, 1885 - 1965  

Every Spring. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Surveys history of Africa after conquest by European powers until independence in the 1960s, with a focus on west and central Africa. Includes the global precursors to colonialism, African resistance to European encroachment, and the violence of conquest. The nature of the colonial endeavor, in terms of the type of colonial regime (concessionaire, settler, or trade) is explored alongside the policies of British, French, Belgian, and Portuguese colonists and early resistance to colonialism. Covers the rise of anti-colonial nationalism and decolonization and why European powers quit Africa after only sixty years of formal colonialism. Addresses the diverse hopes and visions of the first independent generation of African leaders, including Kwame Nkrumah, Leopold Sénghor, Nnandi Azikiwe, Julius Nyerere, and Patrice Lumumba. Concludes with colonial legacies in the form of the postcolonial “gatekeeper” state. Within this time frame, considers the politics of gender, race, and class. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Africa and Colonial Worlds. It fulfills the non Euro/US requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: AFRS 2354)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2023, Spring 2021, Spring 2020.

HIST 2366  (c, DPI, IP)   Apartheid's Voices: South African History, 1948 to 1994  

David Gordon.
Non-Standard Rotation. Fall 2023. Enrollment limit: 35.

The study of apartheid in South Africa, the system of racial and ethnic segregation that began in 1948 and ended with the election of Nelson Mandela in 1994. Explores the many different facets of apartheid: how and why it emerged; its social and economic aspects; how people lived under, resisted, and collaborated with apartheid, and its similarities and differences to other forms of racial and identity-based governance, including European colonialism in Africa, US segregation, and Zionism in Israel / Palestine. The readings, lectures, and class discussions focus on the voices of diverse South Africans, activists, youth, workers, artists, soldiers, and students, exploring their different gendered, ethnic, and racial perspectives. NOTE: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Africa; and Atlantic Worlds. It fulfills the non Euro/US requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: AFRS 2366)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2020.

HIST 2367  (c, DPI, IP)   After the Revolution: African History, 1965 to Recent Times  

David Gordon.
Every Other Year. Spring 2024. Enrollment limit: 35.

The end of European colonialism was a revolutionary moment across the African continent. This course explores not only how this revolution was betrayed and compromised, but also how the anti-colonial revolution continued to inspire struggles for political and economic justice. Topics of study may include: African socialism and nationalism; post-colonial predatory states; underdevelopment and globalization; the politics of aid; civil society and the African nation-state; inter-state and civil wars; eco-struggles; gender; music, movies and popular culture; health and healing; contested sovereignties and citizenships; and African diasporas. A general survey of continental trends south of the Sahara with particular emphasis on Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Sudan, Angola, Mozambique, Senegal, Mali, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Nigeria.

HIST 2401  (c, IP)   Warriors, Missionaries, and Pirates: Colonial Latin America (1491-1700)  

Javier Cikota.
Every Other Fall. Spring 2024. Enrollment limit: 35.

This course introduces students to the history of Latin America from the pre-Conquest period until the consolidation of a colonial system administered by a European elite at the beginning of the eighteenth century. The course follows three interrelated stories: the establishment of colonial rule (including institutions like the church, patriarchy, and racial castes), the development of extractive economies dependent on unfree labor, and the emergence of a hybrid culture bringing together Indigenous, European, and African traditions. Introduces use of primary documents, archeological artifacts, contemporary films, and scholarly essays to learn about the period. Student begin to place themselves in historical debates, learning how historians reconstruct and interpret the past. Topics include: fall of Aztec empire, disease, Inquisition, piracy, slavery, & more. This course is part of the following field of study: Latin America. It meets the pre-modern and the non-Euro/US requirement. (Same as: LACL 2401)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2020.

HIST 2402  (c, IP)   Decolonizing Latin America: A (long) Century of War, 1770-1910  

Every Spring. Enrollment limit: 35.  

This course surveys the "long nineteenth century" in Latin America. This is a period characterized by conflict, racist policies, and indigenous dispossession, but it is also a period of radical political imaginings, of economic development, and profound social change. Topics covered include the efforts by Spain and Portugal to reform their colonies in the Americas; the independence movements of the 1810s-1820s & the ensuing "post-colonial Blues"; the end of slavery & campaigns against independent indigenous peoples; the development of export-led economic models; the implementation of social policies to "whiten" the population; the US invasion of Mexico, the destruction of Paraguay by its neighbors, and a war between Peru and Chile over guano; the triumph of liberalism and the Mexican Revolution of 1910. This is the second in a series of three surveys of Latin American history, but no prior knowledge or prerequisites necessary. This course is part of the following field of study: Latin America. It fulfills the non-Euro/US requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: LACL 2402)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2021.

HIST 2403  (c, IP)   Revolutions in Latin America: The People Take the Stage  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Examines revolutionary change in Latin America from a historical perspective, concentrating on four successful social revolutions-- Haiti, Mexico, Cuba, and Bolivia-- as well as several revolutionary movements that did not result in social change-- including Argentina, Guatemala, Chile, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. Popular images and orthodox interpretations are challenged and new propositions about these processes are tested. External and internal dimensions of each of these social movements are analyzed and each revolution is discussed in the full context of the country’s historical development. This course fulfills the non-Euro/US requirement This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Latin America. (Same as: LACL 2403)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2022, Fall 2019.

HIST 2410  (c, IP)   Toyko  

Sakura Christmas.
Non-Standard Rotation. Spring 2024. Enrollment limit: 35.

A megalopolis of 37 million people, Tokyo is the largest city on the planet, a title it has held on and off since the early eighteenth century. Yet Tokyo as we know it today—as a futuristic city of glass, steel, cement, and neon—obscures its deeper past. From its founding four hundred years ago, it has endured fires, earthquakes, epidemics, and bombings, reinventing itself each time. This course takes Tokyo as its subject of study, from its supposed origins as a fishing village to its explosive growth as the castle headquarters of the Tokugawa shoguns, the command center of the Japanese empire, and finally an essential node in the global economy. Considering Tokyo as a series of transformations reveals both the power and problems of capitalism, consumerism, and industrialization, especially through the analytics of gender, class, and ethnicity. Lectures, readings, and films pay close attention to Tokyo’s design, architecture, and infrastructure as shaping and being shaped by the shifting political and cultural landscape of Japan and the wider world.

HIST 2416  (c, DPI, IP)   Altered States: Drugs, Empires, and Nations in Latin America  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Examines the history of Latin American and Caribbean societies through the lens of drug economies and cultures. It begins with consideration of methodological concerns, including issues of the place of drugs in commodity studies and the social constructivist approach to drug meanings and effects. The course then examines three periods of Latin American drug history: the pre-Columbian era; the era of Iberian colonialism; and the twentieth century and beyond, which saw the rise of illicit drug markets and the U.S.-led “War on Drugs.” The course will trace, over time, major social, cultural, and political economic changes wrought by and upon Indigenous psychoactive substances, such as coca/cocaine, yerba mate, tobacco, cacao/chocolate, and psilocybin mushrooms. This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Latin America. It also meets the non-Euro/US requirement. (Same as: LACL 2116)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022.

HIST 2420  (c, IP)   Culture and Conquest in Japan: An Introductory History to 1800  

Sakura Christmas.
Every Year. Fall 2023. Enrollment limit: 35.

How did Japan become Japan? This course introduces the origins of Japan from the archeological record until industrial modernity. Lectures survey the unification of Japan under a court-centered state, the rise and demise of the samurai as its ruling order, and the archipelago's shifting relationship to the larger world. We will not only focus on the culture of conquest by the warrior class, but also conquest via culture as inhabitants of the archipelago transferred and transformed material commodities, knowledge systems, and sacred beliefs from beyond its horizons. Readings emphasize voices that comment on gender, status, religion, science, and nature. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: East Asia. It also meets the pre-modern and non euro/us requirements for history majors and minors. (Same as: ASNS 2252)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022, Fall 2020.

HIST 2421  (c, IP)   Empire and Nation in Japan  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 35.  

In 1853, Commodore Matthew Perry sailed to Japan with four naval warships and issued an ultimatum: open up to trade or face foreign invasion. Charts Japan’s swift emergence from its feudal origins to become the world’s first non-Western, modern imperial power out of its feudal origins. Lectures introduce the origins, course, and consequences of building a modern state from the perspective of various actors that shaped its past: rebellious samurai, anarchist activists, the modern girl, imperial fascists, and office salarymen. Readings complicate dichotomies of East and West, modern and feudal, nation and empire through the lens of ethnicity, class, and gender. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: East Asia. It fulfills the non euro/us requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: ASNS 2311)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2020.

HIST 2430  (c, IP)   Gendering Latin American History  

Javier Cikota.
Every Other Spring. Fall 2023. Enrollment limit: 35.

An introduction to Latin American history between 1400 and the present, using the lens of gender to reinterpret the region's history. Some key events include the arrival of Europeans, mestizaje, honor and race, independence, civil wars, liberalism, populism, dictatorship, and issues of memory and redemocratization. This course works on two registers. The first is that of “women’s history.” Here, we will survey the experiences and impact of women in Latin America from the pre-conquest period to the present, through the lenses of cultural, social, and political history. In other words, we will tell the stories of Latin American women and investigate how changes small and large affected their everyday lives. The second register is “gender history.” In other words, we will not just discuss women’s experiences, but also the ways that gender ideologies have influenced Latin American history. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Latin America. It fulfills the non euro/us requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: GSWS 2430, LACL 2420)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2020.

HIST 2440  (c, IP)   On the Road: Travel Writing and the Cosmopolitan World of Medieval Islam  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 25.  

Islamic medieval writings of travelers, explorers, and exiles present a cosmopolitan world of encounters of peoples and cultures. This 2000-level course uses these accounts as an entryway to the history of medieval Islam. We will consider how and why Islam emerged in seventh-century Arabia and follow its path through the Mongol expansion in the fourteenth century. We will examine the impact of the Islamic empire on the medieval Middle East, as it spread across most of the known world from Spain to India, and the cultural practices that it developed to manage cultural difference. The readings, lectures, and class discussions will focus on primary sources: the accounts of Muslims, Jews, and Christians who traveled the length and breadth of the Islamic empire. Emphasis on the interconnectedness of the medieval world and on narratives of inclusion and exclusion. Taught in English. For advanced Arabic students, Arabic 3354 with an Arabic reading and writing component will be offered concurrently with this course. Note: This course fulfills the premodern and non euro/us requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: ARBC 2354, REL 2354)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2020.

HIST 2441  (c, IP)   Modern Middle Eastern and North African History  

Nasser Abourahme.
Non-Standard Rotation. Fall 2023. Enrollment limit: 35.

Examines modern Middle Eastern and North African history from the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the rise of the nation-state to the present conjuncture of revolution and war. Proceeds chronologically with attention to the main events and turning points in the region. Considers how the over-arching questions about the region have been posed. Key themes are empire and nationalism; colonialism, anticolonialism and revolution; war, humanitarianism, and migration; and oil and the history of capital. This course will satisfy the non-Euro requirement for the history major/minor. (Same as: MENA 2350)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022.

HIST 2450  (c, IP)   Modernizing China (1912-2012)  

Guo Jue.
Every Other Year. Fall 2023. Enrollment limit: 35.

Surveys the history of China from the end of the imperial rule to the rise of Xi Jinping. Focuses on the different paths taken by the republican, nationalist, and communist governments to modernize China and their impacts on the development of China as a nation-state in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. At the core of a historical understanding of the past hundred-years of China is to situate it both in the longue durée of Chinese history and in the broader world history. To do so, this course examines the interplay between enduring institutions such as sovereignty, government, bureaucracy, fiscal regimes, and education that grow out of China’s imperial past and their continuous transformations as the basis of national recovery and means of adaptation to engage the modern world. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: East Asia. It also fulfills the non-Euro/US requirement for history majors and minors. This course fulfills the non-Euro/US requirement for history majors and minors. It also fulfills the Modern China course for Asian Studies majors and minors concentrating on China. (Same as: ASNS 2056)

HIST 2503  (c)   Radically Conservative?: Unraveling the Politics of the American Revolution  

Every Other Year. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar. Different scholars have presented the American Revolution as either a radically egalitarian movement for universal human rights or as a fundamentally conservative rebellion led by elite men striving to protect their wealth and power from both the British Parliament and those occupying the lower rungs of American society. Unraveling the often-competing motives of Americans during the Revolution requires an understanding of the words and actions of Revolutionaries in light of their contemporary cultures and societies. Frequently this necessitates putting aside modern claims about what the Revolution means to better understand the interests and ideologies that underlay this foundational era of US history. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022, Fall 2020.

HIST 2504  (c)   Animals in American History  

Every Other Year. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar. Although modern humans tend to think of themselves as above nature, they are in fact part of it: partners in a myriad of relationships that have tied them to other members of the animal kingdom throughout their history. Examines a number of these relationships, focusing on North America from the sixteenth through the twentieth century. Topics considered include the role of animals in the development of the American economy, how domestic and wild animals have shaped the American environment, how Americans have conceived of the boundary between humanity and animality, and how pets have come to be viewed as part of the modern family. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States. (Same as: ENVS 2504)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2022.

HIST 2507  (c, DPI, IP)   Spain of the Three Religions: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism in Medieval Iberia  

Seminar. For over seven hundred years, the Iberian Peninsula saw Muslims, Jews, and Christians living in close proximity, and thus historians dub it “Spain of the three religions.” This course examines how relations between Muslims, Christians, and Jews evolved across time. We will explore questions about religion and identity and what work both do in shaping communities, cultures, and prevailing historical narratives. Specific themes include forced conversion, trade, intellectual exchange, and religious polemics. Our readings begin with the Islamic conquest of Iberia in the early eighth century and end with the fall of Muslim Granada in 1492, the purity of blood statutes, and the dawn of the Spanish Inquisition. The primary sources encompass many different mediums and genres, including famous The Song of the Cid, Inquisition proceedings, treatises on conversion, law, and illuminated manuscripts. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe. It also meets the pre-modern requirement. (Same as: REL 2579)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022.

HIST 2508  (c, DPI, IP)   Race before Modernity: Crafting Sameness and Difference in the Middle Ages  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

This seminar investigates how racial concepts—ideas about the transmission of characteristics through blood and lineage—emerged in the Middle Ages. Students discuss sources that manifest premodern race-making, such as travel literature, works on monsters and marvels, geographies, art, and theological writing. The readings also uncover the entwined histories of race and religion, particularly via the "curse of Ham." While the broader Mediterranean is considered, extended attention is given to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in Iberia and North Africa after episodes of large-scale (and often forced) conversion. The word "race" was itself first applied to humans in response to one such episode: the mass conversions of Jews and Muslims to Christianity in late medieval Spain. As students consider themes like the racialization of religion and the relationship between premodern racial concepts and modernity, they will also read and critique recent scholarship on race in the Middle Ages. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe. It also meets the pre-modern requirement.

Previous terms offered: Spring 2023.

HIST 2522  (c)   History: What, How, Why  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar. History studies the past, but what does it teach us about the past? What is the nature of historical knowledge? How does the historian go about their work? Why do we care about the past? Investigates the craft of history through an examination of both classic historical works and theoretical and philosophical reflections of the discipline of history itself. This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe.

Previous terms offered: Spring 2022, Spring 2021.

HIST 2527  (c)   Medieval and Reformation Intellectual History  

Every Other Fall. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar. Examines important works in their intellectual and cultural context from the Middle Ages to Reformation, a period beginning with Augustine (354-430) and ending with the Council of Trent (1563). Potential topics include the relation between religion and philosophy, God and nature, and conceptions of the self. Potential readings include works by Augustine, Hildegard of Bingen, Thomas Aquinas, William Ockham, Christine de Pizan, Martin Luther, and John Calvin. Note: This course fulfills the pre-modern requirement for history majors and minors.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2019.

HIST 2528  (c)   Renaissance and Early Modern Intellectual History  

Every Other Spring. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar. Examines important works in their historical and cultural context from the Renaissance and Early Modern Period, roughly from the age of Petrarch (1304-1374) to the end of the age of Kant (1724-1804). Potential areas of inquiry may include humanism, the rise of skepticism, the mechanical philosophies, and origins of atheism. Potential readings include works by Machiavelli, Montaigne, Margaret Cavendish, Madeleine de Scudéry, Voltaire, and Kant. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe It fulfills the premodern requirement for history majors and minors.

Previous terms offered: Spring 2020.

HIST 2540  (c, IP)   Sex, Scandal, and Celebrity in Early Modern Europe  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar. Uses major scandals and cults of celebrity to illuminate the cultural history of early modern Europe. Questions include: What behaviors were acceptable in private but inexcusable in public? Why are people fascinated by scandals and celebrities, and how have those categories evolved over time? How have the politics of personal reputation changed with the rise of new media and new political cultures? Topics include gossip, urban spaces, gender, sex, crime, and religion. Uses a variety of materials, such as cartoons, newspaper articles, trial transcripts, memoirs, and novels, to explore the many meanings of scandal in early modern Europe, especially France and England. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe. It also fulfills the pre-modern requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: GSWS 2450)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2023, Spring 2021, Fall 2020.

HIST 2543  (c)   History of the Body  

Every Other Year. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Examines changing conceptions and experiences of the human body in early modern Europe. Pays special attention to religion, sex, gender, reproduction, and the body as an object of scientific study. Students will use print and visual sources to think about the body as socially and historically constructed. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe. It also meets the pre-modern requirement.

Previous terms offered: Spring 2022.

HIST 2580  (c, IP)   The German Experience, 1918-1945  

Every Other Year. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar. An in-depth inquiry into the troubled course of German history during the Weimar and Nazi periods. Among the topics explored are the impact of the Great War on culture and society in the 1920s; the rise of National Socialism; the role of race, class, and gender in the transformation of everyday life under Hitler; forms of persecution, collaboration, and resistance during the third Reich; Nazi war aims and the experience of war on the front and at “home,” including the Holocaust. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2021, Fall 2019.

HIST 2586  (c)   A History of the Holocaust: Context, Experience, and Memory  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar. Explores the ideas and events that led to the Holocaust, the diverse experiences of the victims, European and Soviet responses to the Nazi persecution of the Jewish people, and issues related to the Holocaust and historical memory. In addition to secondary scholarship, discussions and papers will draw on a range of primary materials, including literature, memoirs, photography, art and film. Students will have the opportunity to do a short research project. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe.

Previous terms offered: Spring 2022, Spring 2020.

HIST 2607  (c)   Maine: A Community and Environmental History  

Every Other Year. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar. Examines the evolution of various Maine social and ecological communities -- inland, hill country, and coastal. Begins with the contact of European and Native American cultures, examines the transfer of English and European agricultural traditions in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and explores the development of diverse geographic, economic, ethnic, and cultural communities during the nineteenth and into the early twentieth centuries. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States. (Same as: ENVS 2447)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2021.

HIST 2609  (c)   History of Women's Voices in America and at Bowdoin  

Every Other Year. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar. Examines women’s voices in America from 1650 to the early twenty-first century, as these were written and saved in private letters, journals, and autobiographies; poetry, short stories, and novels; essays, addresses, prescriptive literature, and journalism. In celebration of 50 years of Women at Bowdoin, the course will culminate with an examination of women’s voices at Bowdoin, using the "Forty Years: The History of Women at Bowdoin" website as both a source and a guide to further readings. Articles and monographs from the secondary literature provide a historical framework for examining women’s writings. Research projects focus on the form and content of women’s writing and the ways that these accounts illuminate women’s understandings, reactions, and responses to their historical situation. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States. (Same as: GSWS 2601)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2022, Spring 2020.

HIST 2621  (b)   Reconstruction  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar. Close examination of the decade following the Civil War. Explores the events and scholarship of the Union attempt to create a biracial democracy in the South following the war, and the sources of its failure. Topics include wartime Reconstruction, the Ku Klux Klan, Republican politics, and Democratic Redemption. Special attention paid to the deeply conflicted ways historians have approached this period over the years. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States. (Same as: AFRS 2621)

Prerequisites: HIST 1000 - 2969 or HIST 3000 or higher.

Previous terms offered: Spring 2023, Spring 2021.

HIST 2625  (b, MCSR)   Mapping American History using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)  

Patrick Rael; Aaron Gilbreath.
Non-Standard Rotation. Fall 2023. Enrollment limit: 16.

In this intermediate seminar we will use Geographic Information Systems to explore historical problems in 19th-century US history. We will introduce and practice basic statistical techniques, and use the class GIS database to investigate problems, construct our own historical datasets, and make our own maps. Class projects will challenge students to develop critical thinking skills in historical and computational methods, and practice effective data presentation. We will work with a wide array of history data, including information on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, agriculture, slavery, and voting behavior in the period in question. Throughout, we will probe the possibilities and limitations of GIS as a digital technology and methodological approach to historical analysis. This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States. (Same as: DCS 2550)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2021, Fall 2020.

HIST 2640  (c)   California Dreamin': A History of the Golden State  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar. Sunshine, beaches, shopping malls, and movie stars are the popular stereotypes of California, but social conflicts and environmental degradation have long tarnished the state’s golden image. Unravels the myth of the California dream by examining the state’s social and environmental history from the end of Mexican rule and the discovery of gold in 1848 to the early twenty-first century. Major topics include immigration and racial violence; radical and conservative politics; extractive and high-tech industries; environmental disasters; urban, suburban, and rural divides; and California in American popular culture. This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States. (Same as: ENVS 2416)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2022, Spring 2020.

HIST 2641  (c, DPI)   Japanese American Incarceration: Removal, Redress, Remembrance  

Connie Chiang.
Every Other Year. Spring 2024. Enrollment limit: 16.

Seminar. Examines the mass imprisonment of Japanese Americans during World War II. Focuses on how historians have interpreted this episode and how Japanese Americans have remembered and reclaimed it. Topics include government justifications for incarceration, the operation of the camps, the diverse experiences of Japanese Americans, the postwar redress movement, and historical memory and commemorations. Also analyzes the political application of this history in discussions of contemporary immigration policy and social justice more broadly. Readings include secondary and primary sources, such as court cases, government documents, films, photography, art, oral histories, memoirs, and fiction. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States. (Same as: ASNS 2881)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022, Fall 2020.

HIST 2660  (c)   The City as American History  

Every Other Year. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar. America is an urban nation today, yet Americans have had deeply ambivalent feelings toward the city over time. Explores the historical origins of that ambivalence by tracing several overarching themes in American urban history from the seventeenth century to the present. Topics include race and class relations, labor, design and planning, gender and sexual identity, immigration, politics and policy, scientific and technological systems, violence and crime, religion and sectarian disputes, and environmental protection. Discussions revolve around these broad themes, as well as regional distinctions between American cities. Students are required to write several short papers and one longer paper based upon primary and secondary sources. Note:This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States. (Same as: GSWS 2662, URBS 2660)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2023.

HIST 2690  (c, IP)   Fascism  

Salar Mohandesi.
Non-Standard Rotation. Spring 2024. Enrollment limit: 16.

Seminar. Although the term “fascism" appears everywhere today, it seems to have lost its specific meaning. In this course, we examine the history of fascism in Europe from the late 19th century to the present, exploring such questions as: Why did fascist movements first emerge? Is fascism a coherent ideology? How did fascists take power? How does fascism vary from country to country? Is fascist internationalism possible? And how have anti-fascists organized against fascism? While we focus on the years between two World Wars, the period of fascism’s height, we will pay special attention to how fascism not only survived, but successfully reinvented itself after 1945. The course ends by investigating the new wave of right-wing movements across Europe and the United States to determine whether they really constitute fascism. Note: this course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe.

Previous terms offered: Spring 2023, Spring 2021.

HIST 2691  (c, DPI, IP)   Communism  

Salar Mohandesi.
Every Other Year. Fall 2023. Enrollment limit: 16.

In the twentieth century, millions of people came to believe that it was possible to create a new world free from exploitation, domination, and inequality. That conviction carried the name “communism.” Although communist movements inspired people to make extraordinary change, and made possible egalitarian innovations that transformed the globe, they fell short of their goals, created new oppressions, and collapsed. This course surveys communism’s history to explain why. We begin with Marx and Engels in the 1840s and end with the crisis of communism in the 1980s, paying particular attention to historical episodes like the Paris Commune, the October Revolution, and the Cultural Revolution, while exploring such themes as the party, ideology, revolution, internationalism, universalism, anti-imperialism, and everyday life. Questions include: What was communism? Why was it so popular? How was it lived? How did it change over time? How was it adapted to diverse contexts? Why did it fail? Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2020.

HIST 2745  (c, IP)   Death, Burial and the Afterlife in Ancient China  

Guo Jue.
Non-Standard Rotation. Fall 2023. Enrollment limit: 16.

Seminar. Explores three interrelated aspects of mortality—death, burial, and the afterlife—in ancient China. Questions include: How was death conceptualized in magico-medical literature and philosophical treatises? What were the differences between ghosts and ancestors and why they matter? What can burials tell us about how the dead were treated physically and ritually? What do changes in tomb designs and funerary artifacts tell us about the development of material world and religious traditions in ancient China? How did the imaginations and representations of the afterlife evolve along with the changes in the discourses of death and burial practices over time? Textual, visual, and archaeological sources will be used. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: East Asia. It also fulfills the non-Euro/US and pre-modern requirements for history majors and minors. (Same as: ASNS 2014)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2021.

HIST 2746  (c, IP)   Everyone Eats: A Deep History of Foodways in China  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 35.  

Explores the deep history of foodways in China. Takes students on a historical journey to visit the earliest rice paddy of Neolithic villages in southern China, witness the elaborate food preparation and lavish feasting of the Han elites, meet the exotic ingredients and foreign peoples on the Silk Roads, and experience family and community meals of ordinary Chinese today. Through the lens of food, meals, and cuisine, this seminar engages students to make connections between a variety of topics—agriculture, environment, and food production; cooking utensils, recipes, and domestic labor; feast, famine, and politics; and food, region, and identity—to understand the history of China. This course fulfills the pre-modern and non-Euro/US requirements for history majors and minors. (Same as: ASNS 2105)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022.

HIST 2780  (c, IP)   The Foundations of Chinese Thought  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar. Addresses Chinese thought from the time of Confucius, ca. sixth century B.C.E., up to the beginning of the Common Era. The first half of the time period nurtured many renowned thinkers who devoted themselves to the task of defining and disseminating ideas. The latter half witnessed the canonization of a number of significant traditions, including Confucianism. Major problems that preoccupied the thinkers include order and chaos, human nature, the relationship between man and nature, among others. Students instructed to treat philosophical ideas as historically conditioned constructs and to interrogate them in contexts. Note: This course is part of the following filed(s) of study: East Asia. It fulfills the pre-modern and non Euro/US requirements for history majors and minors. (Same as: ASNS 2002)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2019.

HIST 2782  (c, IP)   Enemies of the State  

Every Other Year. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar. Explores a series of historical individuals who have been incarcerated, exiled, or silenced by the Chinese state from the nineteenth through the twenty-first century. Covers three different regimes: the Qing Dynasty (1644–1912), the Republic of China (1912–1949), and People’s Republic of China (1949–present). Main topics include state and state power, ethnic and religious conflicts, gender equality, and cyber activism. The selection of historical figures reflects the wide range and rich diversity of the Chinese population, including women, religious figures, and ethnic/sexual minorities. Note: This course fulfills the non euro/us requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: ASNS 2110)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2020.

HIST 2802  (c, IP)   Global Cities, Global Slums of India  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar. How have cities in the so-called "developing world" come to take their contemporary forms? How is life in these cities and slums lived? Explores these and other questions through a focus on modern India. Drawing on film, fiction, memoirs, urban planning, and other materials, examines the processes through which cities and slums have taken shape, ongoing efforts to transform them, as well as some of the diverse ways of representing and inhabiting modern urban life. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Colonial Worlds and South Asia. It fulfills the non Euro/US requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: ASNS 2585, URBS 2802)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2020.

HIST 2803  (c, IP)   A History of Human Rights  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Traces the emergence of ideas of universal humanity and human rights as these took shape in the context of European imperial expansion from the sixteenth through the twentieth centuries. Uses case studies of Europeans and their interlocutors in Latin America, Asia, and Africa to explore the seeming contradiction and actual historical connections between empire and appeals to humanity. Examines the operation of transnational institutions like the United Nations since the mid-twentieth century, as well as recent critiques of rights frameworks and of the distinction between humans and the rest of the natural world. Students will engage in original research on a topic of their choice. This course satisfies the non-Euro/US requirement in the history major and is part of the following field(s) of study: Colonial Worlds.

Previous terms offered: Spring 2022, Fall 2019.

HIST 2804  (c, IP)   Science and Technologies of Life in South Asia  

Every Other Spring. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar. Examines the history of science and technology by exploring how these knowledges have defined and shaped human and nonhuman life in South Asia in the modern era. Considers debates about scientific evidence, the making of scientific authority and expertise, and the cultures of technology, as well as the circulation of popular knowledges and their entanglements with privileged sciences. Focuses on how people have thought—and produced knowledge—about nature, the human body, and bodily differences (such as race, caste, gender, sexuality, ability). Topics may include: science and technology in the service of empire, nation, or capital (such as race science, tropical medicine, plantation agriculture, nuclear power, natural resource extraction); modern yoga and Ayurveda; the pharmaceutical industry and bioprospecting; theories of the origins of castes, tribes, or linguistic communities; and new reproductive and assistive technologies. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: South Asia, Colonial Worlds. It fulfills the non euro/us requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: ASNS 2586)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022, Spring 2021.

HIST 2821  (c, IP)   After Mandela: History, Memory, and Identity in Contemporary South Africa  

David Gordon.
Non-Standard Rotation. Spring 2024. Enrollment limit: 16.

How do South Africans remember their past? Begins with the difficulties in developing a conciliatory version of the past during Nelson Mandela’s presidency immediately after apartheid. Then explores the changing historiography and popular memory of diverse historical episodes, including European settlement, the Khoisan “Hottentot Venus” Sara Baartman, Shaka Zulu, the Great Trek, the Anglo-Boer War, the onset of apartheid, and resistance to it. Aims to understand the present-day social, economic, and cultural forces that shape the memories of South Africans and the academic historiography of South Africa. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Africa. It fulfills the non Euro/US requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: AFRS 2821)

HIST 2822  (c, IP)   Youth and Revolution in Africa: Changemakers and Child Soldiers  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar.The African continent has an unmatched percentage of young people in relation to total population. Over the last sixty years, these youth have driven a continent-wide revolution against an intersection of traditional, gerontocratic, and neo-colonial structures. By studying student activism in apartheid and post-apartheid South Africa, youth movements against colonialism and neocolonialism in central Africa, the “blood diamond” wars of Liberia and Sierra Leone, the child soldiers of the Democratic Republic of Congo, and youth protests against policy brutality in West Africa, this course nuances oft-ascribed youth roles as changemakers and as child soldiers. It considers the gendered and political identities that have emerged through this continental societal revolution. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Africa. It fulfills the non Euro/US requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: AFRS 2822)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2021.

HIST 2823  (c, IP)   Sacred Icons and Museum Pieces: The Powers of Central African Art  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar. The art of Central Africa inspired European avant-garde artists from Pablo Picasso to Paul Klee. This course explores art as a historical source. What does the production, use, commerce, and display of art reveal about politics, ideology, religion, and aesthetics? Prior to European colonialism, what was the relationship between art and politics in Central Africa? How did art represent power? What does it reveal about gender relations, social divisions, and cultural ideals? The course then turns to the Euro-American scramble for Central African art at the onset of European colonialism. How did the collection of art, its celebration by European artists, and display in European and American museums transform patterns of production, cultural functions and aesthetic styles of Central African art? The course ends with current debates over the repatriation of African art. Note:This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Africa. This course meets the non-European/ US History requirements. (Same as: AFRS 2823, ARTH 2390)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2019.

HIST 2824  (c, DPI, IP)   The Afro-Portuguese Atlantic World, 1400—1900  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Knowledge of the history of the slave trade to the Americas has grown immensely. This course pivots from viewing the Atlantic World through the lens of the trade in slaves to how a diverse Atlantic World developed through Afro-Portuguese encounters from the age of Henry the Navigator to the formal abolition of slavery in Brazil and the extension of colonization in Portuguese-ruled Africa. How and why did early modern Africans and Portuguese participate in the Atlantic trade? What other forms of commerce, such as ivory and rubber, proliferated? What cultural systems, cosmologies, religions, and identities emerged through these Atlantic World exchanges, including the formation of Afro-Portuguese identities? What are the legacies of the early modern Afro-Portuguese Atlantic world? In exploring these and other questions, this course introduces students to the histories of Portugal, Angola, Mozambique, and Brazil. It fulfills the non-Euro/US and premodern requirements for history majors and minors. (Same as: AFRS 2824, LACL 2824)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2023.

HIST 2862  (c, IP)   The Haitian Revolution  

Every Other Fall. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar. Examines one of the most significant and yet neglected revolutions in history. Between the years 1791-1804, Haitian revolutionaries abolished slavery and ultimately established a free and independent nation. Explores the Revolution’s causes and trajectory and connects Haiti to the broader Atlantic world. Likewise, studies the revolution's aftermath and its impact on world history. This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Latin America, Atlantic Worlds, and Colonial Worlds. It fulfills the premodern and the non-Euro/US requirements for history majors and minors. (Same as: AFRS 2862, LACL 2162)

Prerequisites: HIST 1000 - 2969 or LAS 1000 - 2969.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2021.

HIST 2870  (c, IP)   The Rise and Fall of New World Slavery  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar. The form of slavery pioneered by Europeans who brought Africans to the New World occupies a unique place in the institution's long story. Examines the rise and demise of New World slavery: its founding, central practices, and long-term consequences. Just as New World slavery deserves to be considered a unique historical practice, so too do the impulses and transformations that led to its ending. Explores slavery as it rose and fell throughout the Atlantic basin, focusing particularly on Brazil, the Caribbean, and mainland North America. Investigates a range of issues: the emergence of market economies, definitions of race attendant to European commercial expansion, the cultures of Africans in the diaspora, slave control and resistance, free black people and the social structure of New World slave societies, and emancipation and its aftermath. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: US, Europe, Atlantic Worlds and Colonial Worlds. (Same as: AFRS 2870)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2020.

HIST 2885  (c, IP)   Arab Thought: Ideas, Intellectuals, and Ideologies  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar Introduces students to the ideas and intellectual projects of significant Arab thinkers, from the 19th century to the Arab Spring in 2011. This course will identify and discuss how they have addressed the Arabs’ concern for modernity and identity in the context of social, political and cultural transformation in the region. The course will cover several stages of Arab intellectual history starting with the liberal age, socialist and nationalist ideologies, pan-Arabism, third-world revolutionary ideologies, Islamic revival, and calls for democratization and human rights. It will also continuously ask about the conditions of thinkers, writers and dissidents in the Arab region, especially the impact of authoritarian regimes and the dangers posed by the rise of militant Islamism. This seminar will rely on a direct interaction with the primary texts. No prior knowledge Arab history is required, and all sources will be provided in translation. Note: This course fulfills the non Euro/US requirement for history majors and minors.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2019.

HIST 2891  (c, IP)   East Asian Environmental History, 1600-2000  

Sakura Christmas.
Every Other Spring. Spring 2024. Enrollment limit: 16.

Seminar. The Anthropocene defines an epoch in which humans have become the dominant force in shaping their environment. Examines the role of East Asia in the emergence of this new era, from the seventeenth century to the present. In debating the narrative of ecological change in China, Japan, and Korea, readings and discussions focus on how successive regimes transformed their environments, and conversely, how those environments also structured modern human society. Questions what specific political, social, and economic changes triggered the Anthropocene in East Asia; how cultural, religious, and intellectual constructs have conditioned its arrival and acceleration. Weekly topics include: commodity frontiers, environmental sustainability, public health, industrial pollution, and nuclear technology. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: East Asia. It fulfills the non euro/us requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: ASNS 2890, ENVS 2491)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022, Fall 2020.

HIST 2892  (c, IP)   Maps, Territory, and Power in Asia  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar. From the Mercator projection to GPS, maps structure our lived experience as much as they reflect "objective" representations of our surroundings. This seminar examines the geopolitical formations of and within Asia through the history of cartography from the seventeenth century to the present. In exploring both inland and maritime frontiers, we analyze how this technology has sought to exert scientific hegemony over alternate conceptions of space in Asian contexts in order to legitimize state power. In so doing, we trace the deep history of contemporary border disputes on land and at sea. Sessions include working with original specimens in special collections. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Colonial Worlds, East Asia and South Asia. It fulfills the non euro/us requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: ASNS 2892)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2023, Spring 2021.

HIST 2893  (c, IP)   Unearthing China: Archaeology, History, and Nationalism  

Guo Jue.
Non-Standard Rotation. Spring 2024. Enrollment limit: 16.

Seminar. Explores the indispensable role of Chinese archaeology in the nation-building and national history in the 20th and 21st centuries. Considers critical development in theory and practice in the discipline alongside discoveries of national and global significance, and examines debates and controversies related to the origin of Chinese civilization, national history, and cultural identity. Through the lens of Chinese archaeology, students critically engage modern China from the perspectives of how its past have been unearthed, reconstructed, and narrated. This course is part of the following field(s) of study: East Asia. It fulfills the pre-modern and non-Euro/US requirements for history majors and minors. (Same as: ASNS 2055)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2022.

HIST 2894  (c, DPI, IP)   Truth, Justice, and Latin America: History and Law in Post-Cold War Truth Commissions  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar. The course examines comparatively the numerous “truth commissions” instituted in Latin America to investigate, explain, and assign legal and moral responsibility for the mass atrocities of the Cold War era. Students also consider the methodological interplay between historiography, law, and anthropology in the work of these commissions, as well as epistemological tensions between those disciplines that have arisen in the context of investigations of human rights violations. Focusing on issues of decolonization, the course investigates the ways in which deeply rooted racism was refracted through the Cold War ethos of anti-Communism to produce state-sponsored violence and genocide. Students also consider the responses and resistance to repression of various marginalized groups in diverse national contexts. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Latin America. It also meets the non-Euro/US requirement. (Same as: LACL 2115)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2023.

HIST 2900  (c, DPI, IP)   Borderlands: The Americas between Empires and Nations  

Javier Cikota.
Every Other Fall. Spring 2024. Enrollment limit: 16.

The study of borderlands examines areas of contested sovereignty where no single social group has political, cultural, or economic control. This seminar explores interactions between native peoples, white settlers, and the representatives of the states in the Americas between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries. The "long nineteenth century" was a pivotal period for independent indigenous groups across the western hemisphere as they faced dramatic encroachment on their territories, dispossession, cultural erasure, and genocide. This course draws examples from the Pacific Northwest to the Amazon, from Texas to Patagonia. It pays special attention to how structures of race, class, and gender were established, maintained, and negotiated at times of uncertain change and in the absence of hegemonic state practice. Note: This course is part of the following field of study: Latin America. It fulfills the non euro/US requirements for history majors and minors. (Same as: LACL 2100)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2020.

HIST 2910  (c, IP)   Race and Belonging in Latin America  

Every Other Year. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Seminar. This course is a study of race and ethnicity in Latin America, focusing on how Latin Americans themselves have understood and articulated these categories, as well as how scholars have interpreted their articulations. We will cover topics from African slavery to indigenous activism and mass immigration. Our focus will be on peoples of indigenous and African descent—the majority of Latin Americans—which will allow us to address questions of national identity, racial mixture, and cultural exchanges. We will trace themes familiar to students of the broader Atlantic world (themes such as race and nation, freedom and slavery, citizenship, and inequality) across the less-familiar setting of modern Brazil, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, and even Argentina. This course will tackle fundamental questions about the intersection of race, identity, and power in Latin America. Besides reading some of the classic analyses, we will look at some of the cutting-edge scholarship to assess how ideas of race and national belonging have changed through the centuries and across national contexts. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Latin America. It fulfills the non-Euro/US requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: LACL 2110)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2022.

HIST 3042  (c)   Bad History  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Capstone seminar. What can bad histories teach us about the nature, practice, and purpose of history? This seminar attempts to answer these questions through close readings of various forms of bad history, including conspiracy theories, pseudo-histories, and the tradition of apocalypticism. Possible topics include ancient astronaut theory, young earth creationism, and conspiracy and antisemitism. For their final project, students will pursue research topics of their own choice related to the themes of the course, culminating in a significant piece of original historical writing (approximately 25 pages in length). This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2021.

HIST 3100  (c)   Experiments in Totalitarianism: Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia  

Page Herrlinger.
Non-Standard Rotation. Spring 2024. Enrollment limit: 16.

Compares and contrasts the nature of society and culture under two of the twentieth century’s most “totalitarian” regimes—fascism under the Nazis in Germany, and socialism under the Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union. Prior course work in either modern Germany or Russia is strongly recommended, and students may focus their research project on either country, or a comparison of both. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe.

Previous terms offered: Spring 2021.

HIST 3122  (c)   Community in America, Maine, and at Bowdoin  

Every Other Fall. Enrollment limit: 16.  

A research seminar that explores ideals and social, economic, political, and cultural realities of community in American history, and examines continuity, change, and socio-economic, racial, and ethnic diversity in community experience. Begins with studies of communities in seventeenth-century Massachusetts and early national upstate New York; then focuses on Maine and on Bowdoin College and its midcoast neighborhood, with readings in both the secondary literature and a wealth of primary sources. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2021, Fall 2019.

HIST 3142  (c, DPI)   Jim Crow Justice  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

What are the historical origins of our modern system of mass incarceration? This research seminar explores the relationship between race and justice from the end of the Civil War through the early twentieth century. We will begin by framing our concerns in light of recent scholarship on the phenomenon (such as Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow), and then dig into the archives ourselves to craft 25-30 page research papers on aspects of the problem. Our sources will include Congressional documents, the Department of Justice Peonage Files, records of the NAACP, and other major collections. Students will benefit from prior coursework in African American history or Africana Studies. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: US. (Same as: AFRS 3142)

Prerequisites: HIST 1000 - 2969 or AFRS 1000 - 2969 or HIST 3000 or higher or AFRS 3000 or higher.

Previous terms offered: Spring 2022.

HIST 3160  (c)   The United States Home Front in World War II  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Examines social and cultural changes on the United States home front during World War II. While some Americans remember World War II as the good war, an examination of this period reveals a more complicated history. By analyzing a variety of historical sources -- scholarly writings, government documents and propaganda, films, memoirs, fiction, and advertising -- investigates how the war shaped and reshaped sexuality, family dynamics, and gender roles; race and ethnic relations; labor conflicts; social reform, civil rights, and citizenship; and popular culture. Also considers the war’s impact on the immediate postwar years and how Americans have remembered the war. Students write a major paper based on primary source research. This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States.

Previous terms offered: Spring 2021.

HIST 3180  (c)   The Nature of Health in the United States and the World  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Explores relationships between humans, environment, and health in the United States and North America in their global context from the sixteenth century to the present day. Overall focus is on how the history of health and the environment in the US connects to global and transnational history. Topics may include the evolution of public health interventions, biomedical research, and clinical practice; folk remedies and popular understandings of health; infectious and chronic diseases; links between landscape, health, and inequality; gender and reproductive health; occupational health and safety; the effects of agriculture, industrialization, and urbanization on human and ecological health; state and federal policies in the United States; and the colonial and transnational dimensions of public health and medicine. Students write a major research paper based on primary sources. Environmental Studies 1101, 2403, and at least one history course numbered 2000-2969 recommended. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: United States. (Same as: ENVS 3980)

Previous terms offered: Fall 2020.

HIST 3231  (c)   Researching and Writing 20th Century US History  

Brian Purnell.
Every Other Year. Spring 2024. Enrollment limit: 16.

Was the 20th century the "American Century?" How did this understanding of the 20th century emerge? Profound changes within American culture and society shaped domestic life. US foreign policy remade the world. Students will explore key historiographical debates and examinations of all sides of 20th Century US history. Course materials include significant secondary sources (mostly scholarly articles by historians) and two or three noteworthy books that cover key themes and questions relevant to US history in the 20th Century. Topics explored in this course include how women's lives changed; the emergence of a consumerist economy; environmental changes; changing roles of science and technology; religion in American life; fluctuations in conservativism; foreign policy and the Cold War; race and citizenship; and developments in American capitalism. Students will research and write an independent work of historical scholarship (about 20 pages long) based on primary and secondary sources.

HIST 3240  (c, IP)   A History of the Present  

Every Other Year. Enrollment limit: 16.  

In 1989, the fall of the Berlin Wall put an end to the bloody ideological battles of the twentieth century, promising a new era of liberty, peace, and prosperity. Thirty years later, we live in a world of economic uncertainty, political instability, climate catastrophe, and violent social conflict. How did we get here? This course tells the history of the present by exploring three questions. First, how do you write the history of your own time? We reflect on the challenges of handling new sources and living the history one seeks to understand. Second, who can write this history? We discuss the problems of authorship and the possibility of collective research. Third, what is our time? We will collectively map our present by tracing the history of Europe and North America from 1989 to 2020, synthesizing transnational trends into a coherent narrative. We conclude by considering whether historicizing the present might help predict the future. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Europe, US and Atlantic Worlds.

Previous terms offered: Fall 2022, Spring 2020.

HIST 3404  (c)   Crime and Punishment in Latin America  

Every Other Spring. Enrollment limit: 16.  

This advanced seminar explores the emergence and expansion of institutions of social control in Latin America, from colonial times, through independence, and into the tumultuous twentieth century. Students will learn about the role of the Church in disciplining and disarticulating indigenous societies and practices; the expansion of the military as an institution of social control, but also of social mobility; the emergence of hygienist-eugenic discourses and practices designed to reify and naturalize social difference; and the proliferation of penitentiaries and hospitals as tools to define and criminalize deviancy. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: Latin America. It fulfills the non euro/us requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: LACL 3140)

Previous terms offered: Spring 2020.

HIST 3420  (c)   Law and Justice in East Asia  

Non-Standard Rotation. Enrollment limit: 16.  

Examines how law and justice in East Asia became markers of modernity and sovereignty from the eighteenth to twentieth centuries.The kinds of punishment used in a society often act as a measure in judging whether that society is civilized or barbaric, advanced or backward. Major themes include: stereotypes of “oriental barbarism,” torture and capital punishment, village law and gender, extraterritoriality and imperialism, sentiment and mass media, war tribunals, and thought reform. Students analyze legal documents in translation alongside recent scholarship in the field and write a major paper based on primary source research. No prior knowledge of an Asian language necessary Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: East Asia. It fulfills the non euro/us requirement for history majors and minors. (Same as: ASNS 3820)

Prerequisites: ASNS 2000 - 2969 or HIST 2000 - 2969.

Previous terms offered: Spring 2022, Spring 2020.

HIST 3421  (c, IP)   The Japanese Empire and Its Contested Legacies  

Sakura Christmas.
Non-Standard Rotation. Fall 2023. Enrollment limit: 16.

Seminar. Explores how and why the only non-white modern empire with overseas colonies achieved and maintained domination in the absence of racialized difference. Examines debates over whether the postwar order in East Asia emerged from the violent oppression and subsequent resistance of colonized subjects or from economic and infrastructural development under the Japanese regime. Traces how these fraught issues continue to provoke controversy in East Asia to this day. May cover topics such as ethnic ideologies, travel and consumerism, print media, comparative fascism, comfort women, repatriation and decolonization, and memory wars. Requires a major research paper based on primary sources written during the semester. Note: This course is part of the following field(s) of study: East Asia. It fulfills the non-Euro/US requirement for history majors and minors. This course is not open to first-year students. (Same as: ASNS 3421)